
CMS install Issues - Empty theme directory causes an error

Opened this issue · 3 comments

HI guys, I tried to install the most current version of Gleez today , using this link -

Because the theme directory is empty, you cannot access the installer page. Instead you get this error -

ErrorException [ Warning ]: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()

MODPATH\gleez\classes\theme.php [ 194 ]

189             $cache->set('themes', $themes, DATE::DAY);
190         }
192         if($title === TRUE)
193         {
194             foreach ($themes as $name => $theme)
195             {
196                 $themes[$name] = $theme->title;
197             }
198         }

So I downloaded the theme from here - - and added the contents to the empty theme directory and the installer page now loads.

But, I think to make Gleez successful for the future, it's important to have a version that installs without requiring people to hunt down any extra dependencies or solve the errors on their own.

I've installed a previous version of Gleez before, and this error did not appear, probably because the theme directory was not empty in the earlier version.

Just wanted to let you know... I'm not sure if this is just an oversight with the empty theme directory or something you already know about.

For people who aren't very good at problem solving this might prevent them from being able to try out Gleez, and that would be a shame.

I like Gleez so far, keep up the great work.

Unfortunately zip releases in github dosen't add submodules. Finding an alternative for it. That you for your interest and feedback. Will fix this very shortly.

It seems we need include Cerber Theme (Gleez Mango) in to this repo. A few days ago I received a similar message from my friend who just downloaded zipball. Or we must have a user guide that explains what else you need to download for non-git scenario

As I have said we need repo with all Gleez packages and repositories for each component separately + Gleez core