
vscode freeze up

DaClan008 opened this issue · 4 comments

My vscode editor freezes up. Or at least will not save any files, and I can hear my processor fan working more than usual at times when this happens. I believe it is related to this extension, but am unable or don't know how to trouble shoot any further.

Environment changes
Changes that took place from the day before when everything was working great.

  • I had a windows update;
  • I believe vs Code also updated and
  • I was prompted to update vscode-sass-lint, which I did.
    This is when the problems started happening. Not sure or can't remember of any other changes

Actions Takens
Since then I have:

  • updated sass-lint -g (not sure if this is the linter vscode uses);
  • updated node and
  • updated npm just in case.

I am also sitting with quite a few error messages produced by the sass-linter. This relates to indentation errors when using @media queries. I have logged this error with sass-lint hub, as I believe it is a sass-lint issue. The code compiles correctly though, so apart from being highly annoying, the error messages is manageable until their next update which hopefully is soon. I am not sure if this is causing vscode-sass-lint to fail aswell? For more info on this issue, see their issue list#591.

At one stage yesterday vs Code logged a message at the top of the screen indicating that it had stopped operations of this extension as it has failed to respond more than 5 times. That was great for me as I was able to start working again. Well, that was until I had to restart vs code for another project and the problems returned.

next step
My only option now is the uninstall vscode-sass-lint, or switch to Atom.

I have also now commented on an issue with vscode where this morning I see another person having similar issues with other extensions. I am not sure if vscode made an update and now the extensions must follow suit (i.e. extension issue) or a vscode issue.

Hi Jan,

Could you please provide some additional information, such as:

  • OS version
  • VS Code version
  • Node.js version
  • sass-lint version
  • How many sass/scss files open
  • Extension configuration
  • sass-lint configuration
  • etc.

Also, could you maybe try the "lint on save" option?

Hi Glen

I do not think it is necessary anymore as it all seem to be running stable, at least at this moment.

I must say I am disapointed in vscode and bpasero that tried to blame extensions for the problem, which I now firmly believe was a vscode issue. I updated my vscode from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 on Friday, and reinstalled sass lint. The linting has worked perfectly fine since then. However I haven't worked extensively hard with it yet, so will keep an eye on it and open another issue if problems start up again. [ps. vscode-sass-lint was only uninstalled to allow me to work]

Thank you for your reply.

Just in case, I will provide the information requested:

  • OS Version - windows 10 V1607 (build 14393.321)
  • VS Code - at time problems occured (v 1.6.0) currently (v 1.6.1)
  • node.js - v 6.7.0
  • npm - v 3.10.8
  • sass-lint - v 1.9.1 (well that is the sass-lint which is installed globally - not sure if vscode is using this sass-lint, or its own)
  • sass files - depends, but I guess a maximum of 10 usually
  • I haven't changed any Extension configuration settings

and my sass-lint configuration:

  formatter: stylish
  include: '**/*.s+(a|c)ss'

    empty-line-between-blocks: 1
    no-css-comments: 0
    one-declaration-per-line: 0
    single-line-per-selector: 0
    - 2
    - size: 4

    - 2
    - max-depth: 4

    - 2
    - allow-leading-underscore: true
    - ignore:

    no-transition-all: 0
    no-ids: 0
    no-color-literals: 0
    placeholder-in-extend: 0
    force-element-nesting: 0

Thanks for the update.

not sure if vscode is using this sass-lint, or its own

It will use your version, sass-lint is not bundled with the extension.

I'll close this issue for now. You're welcome to drop a message here if you need me to re-open it.