EventSource Polyfill
insin opened this issue · 8 comments
Could you include an EventSource
polyfill for IE by default, or recommend one and document how to configure it?
I just got one working, but I had to modify middleware.js
npm install eventsource-polyfill
entry: [
Then because the polyfill in question tacks on some query parameters:
--- middleware.js
+++ middleware.js
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
return function(req, res, next) {
- if (req.url !== opts.path) return next();
+ if (req.path !== opts.path) return next();
eventStream.handler(req, res);
Yep, happy to do this.
I didn't realise even new IE didn't support EventSource!
As this is mostly a dev tool, I think I'll just pull in a polyfill
Will take a PR, or add something myself soonish.
Released as v2.0.1
Had a few reports of issues with this, so have deprecated v2.0.1
and released v2.0.2
which removes the polyfill (dfb7efb).
I'd like to bring this back in, but need to iron out the kinks
Not picking a particular polyfill to depend on would save a bunch of hassle in the long run (their bugs become your bugs... and IE-only ones at that 😄).
Documenting the need for one also provides a chance to point out potential bundling gotchas, and again those won't be your bugs, but the user's.
Added a troubleshooting guide that mentions this, and made sure querystring parameters are accepted.
Let me know if you think more is needed.
querystring changes released in v2.2.0