
Issue Report: Not compiling any .scss files in VS Code

brianheath opened this issue · 7 comments


Machine & Versions

Item Value
Win 10 Pro v22H2
VS Code v1.81.1
Platform win32 x64
Node 16.17.1 (110)
Live Sass 6.1.1
Installed Extensions
- vscode.css-language-features (1.0.0)
- vscode.debug-auto-launch (1.0.0)
- vscode.emmet (1.0.0)
- vscode.git (1.0.0)
- vscode.git-base (1.0.0)
- vscode.github (0.0.1)
- vscode.github-authentication (0.0.2)
- vscode.html-language-features (1.0.0)
- vscode.json-language-features (1.0.0)
- vscode.merge-conflict (1.0.0)
- (0.0.1)
- ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl-recommender (0.0.19)
- vscode.typescript-language-features (1.0.0)
- eamodio.gitlens (14.2.1)
- (6.1.1)
- HookyQR.beautify (1.5.0)
- olback.es6-css-minify (3.3.3)





Nothing is compiled when updating & saving any *.scss partials or main files in VS Code.
Output messages claim the files are excluded in settings, but there are no exclusions:
The file has not been compiled as it's excluded by user settings

Steps taken:

  • Nothing has changed since (Friday?) when it was working last (AFAIK)
  • Rebooted computer
  • Disabled/Re-enabled extension
  • Uninstalled/Reinstalled extension
  • Changed/removed/added settings in settings.json file
    • Removed excludeList as well as all other liveSassCompile settings
    • Setting compileOnWatch to true does not produce any results
  • Changed to a different workspace
  • Attempted on multiple files
  • Disabled all other extensions
  • Added includeItems after the excludeList to no avail:
    "liveSassCompile.settings.includeItems": [


  • Windows 10 Pro 22H2

When saving:

VS Code event: "onDidSaveTextDocument"
Found the workspace folder
Workspace Name: Home
SASS file saved
A SASS file has been saved, starting checks
Checking SASS path isn't excluded
Path: \\titan\inetSource\wwwdev\Home\css\scss\_become-a-dealer.scss
No base folder override found. Keeping workspace folder
Searching folder
Search results
File not found, must be excluded
File excluded
The file has not been compiled as it's excluded by user settings
Path: \\titan\inetSource\wwwdev\Home\css\scss\_become-a-dealer.scss

Command called: "liveSass.command.debugInclusion"

Checking current file
Found the workspace folder
Workspace Name: Home
Checking SASS path isn't excluded
Path: \\titan\inetSource\wwwdev\Home\css\scss\_become-a-dealer.scss
No base folder override found. Keeping workspace folder
Searching folder
Search results
File not found, must be excluded
File excluded
The file is excluded based on your settings, please check your configuration

Command called: "liveSass.command.debugFileList"

Getting SASS files
Query pattern: undefined
Can be overwritten: true
Checking folder 1 of 1
Folder: Home
No base folder override found. Keeping workspace folder
Found 0 SASS files
Getting SASS files
Query pattern: /**/_*.s[ac]ss
Can be overwritten: false
Checking folder 1 of 1
Folder: Home
No base folder override found. Keeping workspace folder
Found 0 SASS files
Getting SASS files
Query pattern: /**/node_modules/**,/**/.vscode/**,/**/includes/**
Can be overwritten: false
Checking folder 1 of 1
Folder: Home
No base folder override found. Keeping workspace folder
Found 0 SASS files
Extension Info
Current File
Workspace Folders
[0] Home
Checking workspace folder 1 of 1
Path: \\titan\inetSource\wwwdev\Home
Current Include/Exclude Settings
Include: [ NULL ]
Exclude: [ /**/node_modules/**, /**/.vscode/**, /**/includes/** ]
Included SASS Files
Included Partial SASS Files
Excluded SASS Files


    "": "Git Bash",
    "liveSassCompile.settings.autoprefix": [
        "> 1%",
        "last 2 versions"
    "liveSassCompile.settings.excludeList": [
    "liveSassCompile.settings.formats": [
            "format": "compressed",
            "extensionName": ".min.css",
            "savePath": "~/.."
    "explorer.confirmDelete": false,
    "": "open",
    "liquid.format": true,
    "workbench.startupEditor": "none",
    "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,
    "liveSassCompile.settings.showOutputWindowOn": "Trace",
    "liveSassCompile.settings.useNewCompiler": true,
    "files.associations": {
        "*.asp": "html"
    "git.openRepositoryInParentFolders": "always",
    "security.allowedUNCHosts": [
    "liveSassCompile.settings.compileOnWatch": false,

Sorry for the delay.

Yeah, very strange! Like you said there wasn't a release on the Friday.

Some thoughts:

  • rollback to the one of the previous versions, in case the extension update was delayed (for some reason)
  • some users have reported issues when working on network drives - one report (here) said that shadow files were the underlying issue.
  • I assume the compilation works fine when the files are on the local machine??
  • if it's a remote development situation, I assume you have the extension installed on the server rather than the local machine?

Well now THAT'S interesting. This is local development but it's on the network using UNC. What's interesting is that when I map the network path to an actual drive letter, it works. But when I go back to UNC and edit the same exact file, I get that error.

Yes, it works perfectly on a local drive.

The other very odd thing about it is, I have been using UNC for 4+ years doing development here and have never had a problem (mapping a drive letter breaks our Git repo) until I wrote this issue report.

I am at a total complete loss as to why this happened all of a sudden. None of the paths have changed, and nobody uses a Mac here so there aren't any shadow or hidden files created as a result.

I also went into Git BASH and ran sass manually using the same exact UNC path and it worked just fine.

Is there any kind of setting that I can add or change in this case, to perhaps tell it to look at this complete pathway? Should I be using double back/forward slashes or anything? I'm so utterly clueless as to what to do at this point.

Thank you so much for your help.

P.S. This has been the greatest extension EVER, and I will be forever singing its praise regardless of how my situation works out!

Thanks for the info

This, and other issues, make me think I might need to move away from fdir and use VsCode's built-in watcher and filesystem. The reason is that VSCode knows the files are there and can clearly read the contents. By doing this I should be able to pass to the compiler the exact paths and contents for it to work on.

I think all this would make it a breaking change as the switch may have undue consequences (like breaking certain glob patterns). If I were to eventually get an alpha release, would you be willing to test?

Also, did you try rolling back? Just in case an update was delayed and installed later?

I absolutely would be willing to test that - whatever I can do to help!

I actually did not roll back the extension itself, but I will do that to see if that changes anything.

Come to think of it now... There was something that I noticed at the time:
There was a change that made me prefix the patterns with "/" in the file exclusions & inclusions. That seems to have coincided with all of this. That makes me think you were right about the delayed update. I will do a rollback in a bit and let you know the outcome.

Thank you!

Okay, so to update, reverting to v6.1.0 did indeed rectify the issue. So I will continue to use this version for the time being.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help. Thanks!

Came here to say i have the same Issue with network drive. also reverted back to v6.1.0 to make it work.

Turns out that fdir has fixed the issue. I will release v6.1.2 soon which should fix this issue - though the plans in #325 still stand