Question for enhancements
tomcatcw1980 opened this issue · 5 comments
Hello Glenn,
I would like to emphasize once again that I think the project is great. Since I'm not a programmer, I can't judge what kind of effort is behind the two points. I have the pure user glasses on. :-)
Here are two enhancements. Do you think that would be feasible?
a) Display of existing vouchers that are still valid
b) to be more flexible, the points such as time and multi-use, single-use, upload and download rates could be designed as input fields
Many thanks for your assessment.
Best regards
Hi Christian,
I understand you suggestions, but the initial idea of the portal comes from my own work.
Here I wanted to have a simple way for non-system admins to request vouchers for guests without opening those people up to the whole unifi controller.
This is why the voucher properties are set from the backend and not the frontend. I wanted control over the values that people could use.
Your first question is one I could understand is useful to just see if there are still vouchers in use.
I will try to see if I can come up with something simple for this. Won't promise it will be there soon, due to some other projects I have going on.
Kind regards,
Glenn de Haan
Hi Glenn, thank you very much for your help. Looking forward for further enhancements and news from your project.
Hi Glenn,
That's fantastic. I'll try it out right away. Thank you very much.
Greetings Christian