Uses the EPS PowerShell module
: Generates the module PSM1 and PSD1 files from the JSON UI schema
: Useful when I was developing the script. It continually builds the module fromthe schema
: The template file to create the PSD1 file
: The template file to create the PSM1 file
Best to use PowerShell Core (6), but it'll probably work on Windows PowerShell
PS> .\generate_module.ps1
** EXPERIMENTAL - Git History will be REWRITTEN **
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Get-Command -Module PuppetDevelopmentKit
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function ConvertTo-PDKModule 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function New-PDKClass 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function New-PDKDefinedType 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function New-PDKModule 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function New-PDKProvider 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function New-PDKTask 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function Test-PDKUnit 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function Update-PDKModule 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function Validate-PDKModule 1.10.1 PuppetDevelopmentKit
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Get-Help Validate-PDKModule
Validate-PDKModule [[-PeVersion] <String>] [-PuppetDev] [-List] [-Parallel] [[-PuppetVersion] <String>] [-AutoCorrect]
Run static analysis tests.
To see the examples, type: "get-help Validate-PDKModule -examples".
For more information, type: "get-help Validate-PDKModule -detailed".
For technical information, type: "get-help Validate-PDKModule -full".
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Get-Help New-PDKClass
New-PDKClass [[-ClassName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Create a new class named <class_name> using given options
To see the examples, type: "get-help New-PDKClass -examples".
For more information, type: "get-help New-PDKClass -detailed".
For technical information, type: "get-help New-PDKClass -full".
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp> New-PDKModule
pdk (INFO): Creating new module:
We need to create the metadata.json file for this module, so we're going to ask you 5 questions.
If the question is not applicable to this module, accept the default option shown after each question. You can modify any answers at any time by manually updating the metadata.json file.
[Q 1/5] If you have a name for your module, add it here.
This is the name that will be associated with your module, it should be relevant to the modules content.
--> testmodule
[Q 2/5] If you have a Puppet Forge username, add it here.
We can use this to upload your module to the Forge when it's complete.
--> glennsarti
[Q 3/5] Who wrote this module?
This is used to credit the module's author.
--> glennsarti
[Q 4/5] What license does this module code fall under?
This should be an identifier from Common values are "Apache-2.0", "MIT", or "proprietary".
--> Apache-2.0
[Q 5/5] What operating systems does this module support?
Use the up and down keys to move between the choices, space to select and enter to continue.
--> Windows
Metadata will be generated based on this information, continue? Yes
pdk (INFO): Module 'testmodule' generated at path 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule', from template 'file://C:/Program Files/Puppet Labs/DevelopmentKit/share/cache/pdk-templates.git'.
pdk (INFO): In your module directory, add classes with the 'pdk new class' command.
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp> cd .\testmodule\
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> new-pdkclass -ClassName test
pdk (INFO): Creating 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule/manifests/test.pp' from template.
pdk (INFO): Creating 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule/spec/classes/test_spec.rb' from template.
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> new-pdkclass something
pdk (INFO): Creating 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule/manifests/something.pp' from template.
pdk (INFO): Creating 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule/spec/classes/something_spec.rb' from template.
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Validate-PDKModule -List
pdk (INFO): Available validators: metadata, puppet, ruby, tasks
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Test-PDKUnit
pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.1
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.0.2
No examples found.
Evaluated 0 tests in 4.389425 seconds: 0 failures, 0 pending.
PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Validate-PDKModule
pdk (INFO): Running all available validators...
pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.1
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.0.2
info: task-name: ./: Target does not contain any files to validate (tasks/**/*).
info: task-metadata-lint: ./: Target does not contain any files to validate (tasks/*.json).
Running unit tests on the puppetlabs-registry module where I injected some failures on purpose
PS> Test-PDKUnit2 -Verbose
VERBOSE: Using PDK comamand line -S -- C:\PROGRA~1\PUPPET~1\DEVELO~1\private\ruby\2.4.4\bin\pdk test unit --format=junit:C:\Users\glenn.sarti\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp14D0.tmp
WARNING: This module is compatible with an older version of PDK. Run `pdk update` to update it to your version of PDK.
VERBOSE: Using Ruby 2.5.1
VERBOSE: Using Puppet 6.0.2
VERBOSE: Evaluated 173 tests in 44.660815 seconds: 6 failures, 8 pending.
SkippedCount : 8
StartTime : 12/04/2019 11:24:44
TotalCount : 173
PassedCount : 159
Duration : 00:01:00.0356678
ErrorCount : 0
FailedCount : 6
Tests : {@{Detail=; Message=; Line=21; File=./spec/classes/mixed_default_settings_spec.rb; Result=Success;
Name=mixed_default_settings should compile into a catalogue without dependency cycles;
Source=rspec}, @{Detail=; Message=; Line=23; File=./spec/classes/mixed_default_settings_spec.rb;
Result=Success; Name=mixed_default_settings should contain Registry_value[hklm\Software\foo\];
Source=rspec}, @{Detail=; Message=; Line=24; File=./spec/classes/mixed_default_settings_spec.rb;
Result=Success; Name=mixed_default_settings should contain Registry_value[hklm\Software\foo];
Source=rspec}, @{Detail=; Message=; Line=16; File=./spec/defines/value_spec.rb; Result=Success;
Name=registry::value Given a minimal resource should compile into a catalogue without dependency
cycles; Source=rspec}...}
Now have a more strict object output onto the pipeline. The .Tests
attribute is an array of all of the tests in a structured format