
Primary LanguagePowerShell


Uses the EPS PowerShell module

generate_module.ps1 : Generates the module PSM1 and PSD1 files from the JSON UI schema

loopbuild.ps1 : Useful when I was developing the script. It continually builds the module fromthe schema

pwsh_module_template_psd1 : The template file to create the PSD1 file

pwsh_template_ps1 : The template file to create the PSM1 file

Best to use PowerShell Core (6), but it'll probably work on Windows PowerShell

To generate the module from the JSON UI data

PS> .\generate_module.ps1

Example output

** EXPERIMENTAL - Git History will be REWRITTEN **

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Get-Command -Module PuppetDevelopmentKit

CommandType     Name                                               Version    Source
-----------     ----                                               -------    ------
Function        ConvertTo-PDKModule                                1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function        New-PDKClass                                       1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function        New-PDKDefinedType                                 1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function        New-PDKModule                                      1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function        New-PDKProvider                                    1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function        New-PDKTask                                        1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function        Test-PDKUnit                                       1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function        Update-PDKModule                                   1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit
Function        Validate-PDKModule                                 1.10.1     PuppetDevelopmentKit

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Get-Help Validate-PDKModule



    Validate-PDKModule [[-PeVersion] <String>] [-PuppetDev] [-List] [-Parallel] [[-PuppetVersion] <String>] [-AutoCorrect]

    Run static analysis tests.


    To see the examples, type: "get-help Validate-PDKModule -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help Validate-PDKModule -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help Validate-PDKModule -full".

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Get-Help New-PDKClass



    New-PDKClass [[-ClassName] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

    Create a new class named <class_name> using given options


    To see the examples, type: "get-help New-PDKClass -examples".
    For more information, type: "get-help New-PDKClass -detailed".
    For technical information, type: "get-help New-PDKClass -full".

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp> New-PDKModule
pdk (INFO): Creating new module:

We need to create the metadata.json file for this module, so we're going to ask you 5 questions.
If the question is not applicable to this module, accept the default option shown after each question. You can modify any answers at any time by manually updating the metadata.json file.

[Q 1/5] If you have a name for your module, add it here.
This is the name that will be associated with your module, it should be relevant to the modules content.
--> testmodule

[Q 2/5] If you have a Puppet Forge username, add it here.
We can use this to upload your module to the Forge when it's complete.
--> glennsarti

[Q 3/5] Who wrote this module?
This is used to credit the module's author.
--> glennsarti

[Q 4/5] What license does this module code fall under?
This should be an identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses/. Common values are "Apache-2.0", "MIT", or "proprietary".
--> Apache-2.0

[Q 5/5] What operating systems does this module support?
Use the up and down keys to move between the choices, space to select and enter to continue.
--> Windows

Metadata will be generated based on this information, continue? Yes
pdk (INFO): Module 'testmodule' generated at path 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule', from template 'file://C:/Program Files/Puppet Labs/DevelopmentKit/share/cache/pdk-templates.git'.
pdk (INFO): In your module directory, add classes with the 'pdk new class' command.

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp> cd .\testmodule\

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> new-pdkclass -ClassName test
pdk (INFO): Creating 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule/manifests/test.pp' from template.
pdk (INFO): Creating 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule/spec/classes/test_spec.rb' from template.

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> new-pdkclass something
pdk (INFO): Creating 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule/manifests/something.pp' from template.
pdk (INFO): Creating 'C:/Source/PDKPSModule/tmp/testmodule/spec/classes/something_spec.rb' from template.

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Validate-PDKModule -List
pdk (INFO): Available validators: metadata, puppet, ruby, tasks

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Test-PDKUnit
pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.1
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.0.2
No examples found.
  Evaluated 0 tests in 4.389425 seconds: 0 failures, 0 pending.

PS C:\Source\PDKPSModule\tmp\testmodule> Validate-PDKModule
pdk (INFO): Running all available validators...
pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.1
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.0.2
info: task-name: ./: Target does not contain any files to validate (tasks/**/*).
info: task-metadata-lint: ./: Target does not contain any files to validate (tasks/*.json).

Looking at more in depth integration with PDK when using Test-PDKUnit2

Running unit tests on the puppetlabs-registry module where I injected some failures on purpose

PS> Test-PDKUnit2 -Verbose

VERBOSE: Using PDK comamand line -S -- C:\PROGRA~1\PUPPET~1\DEVELO~1\private\ruby\2.4.4\bin\pdk test unit --format=junit:C:\Users\glenn.sarti\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp14D0.tmp
WARNING: This module is compatible with an older version of PDK. Run `pdk update` to update it to your version of PDK.
VERBOSE: Using Ruby 2.5.1
VERBOSE: Using Puppet 6.0.2
VERBOSE:   Evaluated 173 tests in 44.660815 seconds: 6 failures, 8 pending.

SkippedCount : 8
StartTime    : 12/04/2019 11:24:44
TotalCount   : 173
PassedCount  : 159
Duration     : 00:01:00.0356678
ErrorCount   : 0
FailedCount  : 6
Tests        : {@{Detail=; Message=; Line=21; File=./spec/classes/mixed_default_settings_spec.rb; Result=Success;
               Name=mixed_default_settings should compile into a catalogue without dependency cycles;
               Source=rspec}, @{Detail=; Message=; Line=23; File=./spec/classes/mixed_default_settings_spec.rb;
               Result=Success; Name=mixed_default_settings should contain Registry_value[hklm\Software\foo\];
               Source=rspec}, @{Detail=; Message=; Line=24; File=./spec/classes/mixed_default_settings_spec.rb;
               Result=Success; Name=mixed_default_settings should contain Registry_value[hklm\Software\foo];
               Source=rspec}, @{Detail=; Message=; Line=16; File=./spec/defines/value_spec.rb; Result=Success;
               Name=registry::value Given a minimal resource should compile into a catalogue without dependency
               cycles; Source=rspec}...}

Now have a more strict object output onto the pipeline. The .Tests attribute is an array of all of the tests in a structured format