
UBIF-0006 Update web page structure to match specs

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The UBIF web page should have three parts, each viewed separately, as per the web structure indicated in the Wiki. It should feel like 3 "pages" even if they are all on the same url. THis could be done with the same "drop down" arrows we use in other parts of the UBHub site, such as on the /resources page.

Currently sticky header is being prototyped. To fix transparency issue, make larger and white background on headers. We could go with horizontal tabs across the top or sticky header & footer.

I've got the headers working well enough now, but I'm having some issues with the overall structure as defined in the spec referenced here: Mostly this is due to the fact that I haven't built all of those parts yet. I suspect we'll see the page I'm working on grow as I build it out and it will eventually match what we're looking for.