Simple Annotation server Docker charachter encoding problem
stephanpauls opened this issue · 1 comments
I’m installing the SAS docker annotation service
I have already successfully inserted the attached json file in a solr cloud service.
But there is a problem with special characters like ë or é as you can see in the resulting search api url below:
"startIndex" : 0,
"within" : {
"total" : "96",
"@type" : "sc:Layer"
"@type" : "sc:AnnotationList",
"resources" : [ {
"@type" : "oa:Annotation",
"motivation" : "sc:painting",
"resource" : {
"@type" : "dctypes:Text",
"format" : "text/html",
"chars" : "
van voorbeeld zouden leeren, waer me Wyd�br
","" : "van voorbeeld zouden leeren, waer me Wyd�br"
"on" : ",1781,1954,110",
"@id" : "http://localhost:8080/sas/annotationcd07fe8223745d33d2d5dcbd72b358d6/16",
"@context" : "",
"" : "2020-05-26T12:10:15",
"" : "2020-05-26T12:10:24",
"label" : "van voorbeeld zouden leeren, waer me Wyd�br"
}, {
Do you know where I have to adapt the character setting?
I’ m also wondering if you can create dynamic annotations in the mirador viewer with the created annotation service , in my case
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
Stephan Pauls
I can't recreate this.. I've taken the annotation list and created a dummy manifest but all of the characters seem to look OK. Please re-open if this is still an issue with that latest version of SAS.