Tried this out, getting error
idkjs opened this issue · 4 comments
idkjs commented
❯ jarvim -g ─╯
⚠ Backup /Users/mandalarian/.config/nvim to /Users/mandalarian/.config/nvim-bak folder
? What is plugin manage do you use? dein
? What is your Leader Key? Space
? What is your LocalLeader Key? Space
? Choose your favorite colorscheme
? Do you want use dashboard-nvim a better StartScreenPlugin? Yes
? Do you want use spaceline.vim a light and beautiful statusline? Yes
? Do you want use vim-buffet as your bufferline? No
? What is your explorer plugin? nerdtree
? Do you need database plugins? Yes
? Do you want use editorconfig to control program style(like indent,whitespace etc) No
? Choose your favorite indentline plugin? nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides
? Do you want to use Caw.vim as comment plugin? No
? Do you want to use vista.vim to view tags and LSP symbols in sidebar No
? Do you want to use vim-gutentags to gen tags No
? Do you want to use vim-quickrun to fast run program in vim? No
? Which Data filetype you need?
? Choose the enhance plugins that you need rainbow rainbow parentheses
? Do you want use vim-sandwich more useful than vim-surround? Yes
? Choose the version control plugins that you need tpope/vim-fugitive
? What Languages do you write React
✔ Generate init.vim success
✔ Generate core/core.vim success
✔ Generate dein.vim success
✔ Generate core/general.vim success
✔ Generate core/event.vim success
✔ Generate autoload/initself.vim success
✔ Generate autoload/initself.vim success
✔ Generate bufkill.vim success
✔ Generate difftools.vim success
✔ Generate hlsearch.vim success
✔ Generate nicefold.vim success
✔ Generate whitespace.vim success
✔ Generate plugin folder success
✔ Generate Vim-Devicons success
✔ Generate autoload/theme.vim success
panic: runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0
goroutine 1 [running]:*Dein).GenerateCacheTheme(0x13d49f0, 0x13d49f0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc00009a1e0)
/Users/stephen/workstation/jarvis/internal/render/dein/dein.go:56 +0x105, 0x117ba85)
/Users/stephen/workstation/jarvis/internal/logic/logic.go:41 +0x7bd, 0xc0000989d0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
/Users/stephen/workstation/jarvis/internal/cli/cli.go:31 +0x38*Command).execute(0x13a1580, 0xc0000a8050, 0x1, 0x1, 0x13a1580, 0xc0000a8050)
/Users/stephen/workspace/pkg/mod/ +0x47c*Command).ExecuteC(0x13a1580, 0x1006965, 0xc00008e058, 0x0)
/Users/stephen/workspace/pkg/mod/ +0x375*Command).Execute(...)
/Users/stephen/workstation/jarvis/internal/cli/cli.go:45 +0x31
/Users/stephen/workstation/jarvis/cmd/jarvim/main.go:10 +0x25
~ ✘ 2 ╱ 1m 59s ╱ 13:33:02 ─╮
Going to try installing go.
glepnir commented
sorry for this you need choose a theme
idkjs commented
Got it to work. For future reference, which one of the options is theme?
Also, where does the installation script download?
idkjs commented
For future reference:
❯ jarvim -g ─╯
⚠ Backup /Users/mandalarian/.config/nvim to /Users/mandalarian/.config/nvim-bak folder
? What is plugin manage do you use? dein
? What is your Leader Key? Space
? What is your LocalLeader Key? Space
? Choose your favorite colorscheme hardcoreplayers/oceanic-material
? Do you want use dashboard-nvim a better StartScreenPlugin? Yes
? Do you want use spaceline.vim a light and beautiful statusline? Yes
? Do you want use vim-buffet as your bufferline? Yes
? What is your explorer plugin? defx.nvim
? Do you need database plugins? Yes
? Do you want use fuzzy find plugin vim-clap? Yes
? Do you want use editorconfig to control program style(like indent,whitespace etc) Yes
? Choose your favorite indentline plugin? Yggdroot/indentLine
? Do you want to use Caw.vim as comment plugin? Yes
? Do you want to use vista.vim to view tags and LSP symbols in sidebar No
? Do you want to use vim-gutentags to gen tags No
? Do you want to use vim-quickrun to fast run program in vim? No
? Which Data filetype you need?
? Choose the enhance plugins that you need vim-floterm vim terminal float
? Do you want use vim-sandwich more useful than vim-surround? Yes
? Choose the version control plugins that you need
? What Languages do you write Css, Typescript, Shell, Html, Javascript, React
✔ Generate init.vim success
✔ Generate core/core.vim success
✔ Generate dein.vim success
✔ Generate core/general.vim success
✔ Generate core/event.vim success
✔ Generate autoload/initself.vim success
✔ Generate autoload/initself.vim success
✔ Generate bufkill.vim success
✔ Generate difftools.vim success
✔ Generate hlsearch.vim success
✔ Generate nicefold.vim success
✔ Generate whitespace.vim success
✔ Generate plugin folder success
✔ Generate Vim-Devicons success
✔ Generate autoload/theme.vim success
✔ Generate theme.txt success
✔ Generate Colorscheme success
✔ Generate dashboard-nvim success
✔ Generate Vim-Buffer success
✔ Generate vim-buffer keymap success
✔ Generate Statusline success
✔ Generate Defx.nvim success
✔ Generate defx keymap success
✔ Generate defx keymap success
✔ Generate LoadEnv function success
✔ Generate Database success
✔ Generate database keymap success
✔ Generate vim-clap success
✔ Generate vim-clap keymap success
✔ Generate coc-clap keymap success
✔ Generate editorconfig success
✔ Generate Yggdroot/indentLine success
✔ Generate context_filetype.vim success
✔ Generate Caw.vim success
✔ Generate caw.vim keymap success
⚠ Skip generate Vista.vim cofnig
⚠ Skip generate vista.vim keymap cofnig
⚠ Skip generate vim-gutentags cofnig
⚠ Skip generate vim-quickrun cofnig
⚠ Skip generate quickrun keymap cofnig
✔ Generate dein.vim success
✔ Generate vim-floterm success
✔ Generate vim-flotermkeymap success
✔ Generate vim-sandwich success
✔ Generate vim-sandwich keymap success
✔ Generate textobj plugins success
✔ Generate textobj vim success
✔ Generate textobj vim success
✔ Generate textobj vim success
✔ Generate textobj vim success
✔ Generate textobj vim success
✔ Generate textobj vim success
✔ Generate textobj vim success
✔ Generate committia.vim success
✔ Generate coc-settings.json file success
✔ Generate vim map success
✔ Generate Css success
✔ Generate Typescript success
✔ Generate Shell success
✔ Generate Html success
✔ Generate Javascript success
✔ Generate React success
✔ Generate autoload coc function success
✔ Generate coc.nvim success
✔ Generate coc.nvim keymap success
✔ Generate Makefile success
✔ Generate success
Install script is in $HOME/.config/nvim/
❯ ls ~/.config/nvim/ ─╯
Makefile autoload/ coc-settings.json core/ init.vim modules/ plugin/
run chmod +x
then run it.
❯ chmod +x ~/.config/nvim/
❯ ~/.config/nvim/
❯ bass ~/.config/nvim/
⇒ Checking node and yarn......
[ok] ===> check pass
⇒ Install tools...
⇒ Found you use mac:
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 3 taps (homebrew/core, homebrew/cask and codaprotocol/coda).
==> Updated Formulae
Updated 25 formulae.
==> Updated Casks
balenaetcher clash-for-windows command-tab-plus flipper gns3 macbreakz scrutiny texpad
boost-note cleanmymac edex-ui folx insomnia modern-csv superproductivity zerotier-one
==> Downloading
==> Downloading from
[dein] Update started: (2020/12/04 17:49:02)
[dein] (12/29) [++++++++------------] vim-dadbod
[dein] (13/29) [++++++++------------] spaceline.vim
[dein] (24/29) [++++++++++++++++----] vim-floaterm
[dein] (25/29) [+++++++++++++++++---] vim-devicons
[dein] (28/29) [+++++++++++++++++++-] vim-buffet
[dein] Done: (2020/12/04 17:49:46) ⇒ Clean up...:
Congratulations thinkvim install success!!!
Install your favorite font on here
If you use linux,you need install ctags with janson support.
Install the Lsp for your languages.
Thanks for you love this neovim config.
glepnir commented
all the plugin and theme cache in ~/.cache/vim