
Swipe not detect properly for left and right

ydv0121 opened this issue · 10 comments

when i am trying to swipe right it always gives me SWIPE_LEFT..anyone know how to fix it?

Same problem, can anyone know how to fix it.

Same problem here too.

Same Problem Here. Is there any wayout?

Hey, i have been dealing with the same issue, something in the code doesn't detect the swipe correctly.
I have used the 'onSwipe' attribute which gets a 'state' object as it's second argument, taking from it 'dx' and 'dy' i wrote these 4 lines of code which works great for me so far for detecting the swipe side.
Hope this will help others :)

const figureHorizontalDirection = (delta) => (delta > 0 ? 'SWIPE_RIGHT' : 'SWIPE_LEFT')
const figureVerticalDirection = (delta) => (delta > 0 ? 'SWIPE_DOWN' : 'SWIPE_UP')

export default ({ dx, dy }) =>
  Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ? figureHorizontalDirection(dx) : figureVerticalDirection(dy)

Hey, i have been dealing with the same issue, something in the code doesn't detect the swipe correctly.
I have used the 'onSwipe' attribute which gets a 'state' object as it's second argument, taking from it 'dx' and 'dy' i wrote these 4 lines of code which works great for me so far for detecting the swipe side.
Hope this will help others :)

const figureHorizontalDirection = (delta) => (delta > 0 ? 'SWIPE_RIGHT' : 'SWIPE_LEFT')
const figureVerticalDirection = (delta) => (delta > 0 ? 'SWIPE_DOWN' : 'SWIPE_UP')

export default ({ dx, dy }) =>
  Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ? figureHorizontalDirection(dx) : figureVerticalDirection(dy)

where should i add these code?

where should i add these code?

I have added this code to be the function that actually receives 'dx' and 'dy' from the component.

thank you @Diabl0269 Diabl0269

i try this

const direction = () => {
      const figureHorizontalDirection = (delta) => (delta > 0 ? 'SWIPE_RIGHT' : 'SWIPE_LEFT');
      const figureVerticalDirection = (delta) => (delta > 0 ? 'SWIPE_DOWN' : 'SWIPE_UP');

      const dx = this.endX - this.startX;
      const dy = this.endY - this.startY;

      return Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) ? figureHorizontalDirection(dx) : figureVerticalDirection(dy);
    onTouchStart={(event) => {
        this.startX = event.nativeEvent.pageX;
        this.startY = event.nativeEvent.pageY;
    onTouchEnd={(event) => {
        this.endX = event.nativeEvent.pageX;
        this.endY = event.nativeEvent.pageY;

        const d = direction();

        if (d === 'SWIPE_UP') {
        } else if (d === 'SWIPE_DOWN') {

@JuEunSung is it working for you?

@JuEunSung is it working for you?

yes my case was up-down problem..
(sorry english clumsy)

Did anyone find solution?