
Recognizing Horizontal Swiping

seanavery opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi @glepur. I am having trouble triggering onSwipe for horizontal swipe gestures. I have used default config parameters

const config = {
      velocityThreshold: 0.3,
      directionalOffsetThreshold: 100

I have messed around altering params but still cannot reliable horizontal swipe when using ios simulator.

Could you provide more context on the range of velocityThreshold and directionalOffsetThreshold

Hi @seanavery.

velocityThreshold is minimum swipe speed required to trigger callbacks. I'm comparing it to vx and vy properties of gestureState internally.

directionalOffsetThreshold is used so callbacks would not trigger on diagonal swipes. i.e. when you are swiping the screen horizontally if your total vertical movement when the gesture finishes is higher than directionalOffsetThreshold callbacks will not trigger. Check dx and dy properties of gestureState.

So basically if you have hard time triggering callbacks on simulator you would want to reduce velocityThreshold and increase directionalOffsetThreshold.

If you have any ideas about how to improve documentation, or this repo in general, I'd be happy to receive PR's.