
import foreign schema in test does not generate datatypes

Opened this issue · 3 comments

wibrt commented


the code generated by import foreign schema only generates the headers, not the datatypes.

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE public.vrijetijdextra (
"1" ,
"J1_6" )

Can anyone confirm this?

wibrt commented

apparently this occurs with tables that were created with columns without a datatype.

  • this should be possible?
  • after creation sqlite considers them to of the general datatype text, but doenst pass this information along
gleu commented


Sorry for the very late answer. I didn't know you could have columns without specifying the datatype. But I've checked, and you're right. It definitely looks like they are supposed to be textual columns. I'll fix this.


gleu commented

I've pushed a fix. It works on my sqlite database, but could you test it and report back? Thanks.