
[BUG]: Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined in the browser

TianLiangZhou opened this issue · 3 comments

After compiling with esbuild, I got this error when running in the browser.

My code is very simple:

// json-to-class.js

import {quicktype, InputData, jsonInputForTargetLanguage,} from "quicktype-core";

(function (root) {

The error comes from: input/io/NodeIO.js

How to solve this problem?

Same error here. TS / React project

Fixed it by installing a Node Polyfill for Vite (I am assuming you are also using Vite) available here
And adding it to my vite.config.ts

Fixed it by installing a Node Polyfill for Vite (I am assuming you are also using Vite) available here And adding it to my vite.config.ts

I don't use any framework.

To solve this, I rolled back the version to 23.0.146.