[BUG]: Can't convert to PHP
skeul opened this issue · 0 comments
skeul commented
Issue Type
Can't convert JSON to PHP code
Context (Environment, Version, Language)
Input Format: json schema
Output Language: PHP
CLI, npm, or app.quicktype.io: app.quicktype.io
Version: https://app.quicktype.io/
Input Data
"id": 3,
"parametre": "param7",
"valeur": "56.78",
"matricule": "AZR",
"date_application": "2023-10-07",
"date_creation": "2023-10-07 18:00:00",
"matricule_creation": "LUA",
"libelle": "Libelle Param 7",
"type_valeur": "decimal",
"parametre_general": 0,
"parametre_collaborateur": 1
Expected Behaviour / Output
i wan't PHP output
class Parametres extends BaseModel
Current Behaviour / Output
Error js in console :
Uncaught SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' in mode-mode.js
Steps to Reproduce
- Paste input
- Switch language to PHP