gliderlabs/docker-alpine was offline (12:18:56am Tuesday, 15 February 2022 gmt ~ 2:52:10am Tuesday, 15 February 2022)

duttonw opened this issue ยท 27 comments

Error 503 Backend is unhealthy
Backend is unhealthy

Guru Mediation:
Details: cache-bne12527-BNE 1644884593 3491730306

Varnish cache server

Down for me also.

+1 me too

+1 me too

Does anyone know how to work around this when using the "Publish Docker (By elgohr)" github action?

+1 me too

For me i just added 'dl-4' mirror to the repositories file
hope this helps for now as a temporary solution till they get it fixed.
echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories

thanks @abir4l that got me off the ground,

see qld-gov-au/ckanext-validation@0e12dfd on what i did

jbg commented

If you use Alpine a lot, consider running a mirror: (wiki page also appears to be down right this moment though ๐Ÿ˜‚)

Not only will you be helping make the whole mirror system more robust, but if it ever goes down, you'll be able to fix it yourself.

Is there any way to point a github action to a mirror?




@rexrodriguez which action in question?

Beginner question - how quickly do things like this get resolved (generally speaking)? Or do they sometimes just not? Thanks.

Kvnyu commented


+1 Glad to hear it's not just me! I was beginning to go down a rabbit hole of troubleshooting...

4geru commented


@rexrodriguez ,
fork* the action to yourself or org, update
RUN apk add python3
RUN echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories && apk add python3

use your own action

@rexrodriguez , fork* the action to yourself or org, update change RUN apk add python3 to RUN echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories && apk add python3

use your own action

Thanks thanks ++

IT'S BACK :lmao:

ncopa commented

we got DDOSed

Thank you for fixing this so fast