
Run scrips in .profile(.d) during container startup

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Would be great if herokuish started a bash shell during startup of a container just like Heroku does:

Where is $HOME in this case? I'm assuming /app.

I also wonder how this is impacted by Buildpacks V3 (asking in the chat there now).

That's correct. It's /app and already works when entering the container shell manually.

Okay, seems this is part of the v3 spec.

This should already happen here.

Do you have an example where it isn't happening?

I'm trying to understand what's happening. I'm using multiple build packs and one of them is heroku-buildpack-autossh to open a permanent SSH connection through .profile.d/ The connection is not established automatically after a deployment. But once I enter a container manually it is and will persist. So I was just blaming herokuish for not running that script automatically. But maybe it's something else then. Some variable not available while deploying or some other timing issue. How could I debug what's happening with that shell script?

If this is with Dokku, you may wish to join us on our slack or irc channel to ask for support, as a GitHub issue isn't the best place to conduct that sort of conversation.

Given that this functionality appears to work, I'm going to close this. If it happens to be an issue with Herokuish, we can re-open at a later date.