
stopped with error: inactivity time exceeded timeout

vasanth-gmp opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm facing this inactivity time exceeded timeout error for every 1 minute, at this breaking point logs are not received by logstash. I have tried with different solutions. But still it is not working.

15:00:58 pump.Run() event: 0c9e8769cacb exec_start: /agent --healthcheck
15:00:58 pump.Run() event: 0c9e8769cacb exec_create: /agent --healthcheck
15:00:58 pump.Run() event: 0c9e8769cacb exec_die
15:00:58 pump.pumpLogs(): 0c9e8769cacb stopped with error: inactivity time exceeded timeout
15:00:58 pump.pumpLogs(): 0c9e8769cacb started, tail: all
15:00:59 pump.Run() event: a65d7d17cac8 exec_start: /bin/sh -c curl -f http://localhost:5000/ || exit 1
15:00:59 pump.Run() event: a65d7d17cac8 exec_create: /bin/sh -c curl -f http://localhost:5000/ || exit 1
15:01:00 pump.Run() event: a65d7d17cac8 exec_die

Can you please provide your logspout configuration and any other specifics about how you’re running logspout? (Redacting confidential values of course)