
Does the table have a horizontal scroll bar when it's very wide?

jmzhang1911 opened this issue · 2 comments


Thank you so much for creating this amazing tool!

The issue I asked about is when the page size is very wide, it can display the complete information. However, when the page size narrows, the table's information cannot be fully displayed. Is there a horizontal scroll table function available? Please forgive my poor English, looking forward to your response. Thank you!

image image
data %>%  reactable(.,
            resizable = TRUE,
            defaultPageSize = 12,
            selection = "multiple",
            onClick = "select",
            bordered = TRUE,
            columns = list(
              ONTOLOGY = colDef(
                sticky = "left",
                minWidth = 110
              ID = colDef(
                sticky = "left",
                minWidth = 110
              Description = colDef(
                minWidth = 420
              GeneRatio = colDef(minWidth = 110),
              BgRatio = colDef(minWidth = 110),
              pvalue = colDef(minWidth = 90),
              p.adjust = colDef(minWidth = 90),
              qvalue = colDef(minWidth = 90),
              Count = colDef(minWidth = 90)


glin commented

Hi, there is horizontal scrolling when the table's too wide to fit on the page. I think macOS hides scrollbars by default, so try hovering over the table or try to horizontally scroll it to check. It should be there unless there's some odd issue with the RStudio Viewer.

This is what it looks like on Windows, and where the scrollbar should be:

reactable table with horizontal scrollbar

Thank you for your response. After setting the "Show Scroll Bar" option to "Always" in the settings, the issue has been resolved. 🫠 Have a nice day!