
Wrap header while using global wrap = FALSE arg

SverreFL opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks for a great package.

I want all my cell contents to be on one line so it's convenient to use wrap = FALSE. At the same time I want headers to wrap, but have been unable to get a working solution. Among other things I have tried modifying headerStyle


df <- tibble(
  x = c("very long text")

  wrap = FALSE,
  columns = list(
    x = colDef(
      name = "Very long title",
      width = 50,
      headerStyle = "white-space: normal;"

I am very greatful for all solutions, including possibly abandoning the wrap argument in favor of achieving the same behavior with colDef.

glin commented

wrap is currently global, so there's no way to do it for only headers or only cells. It's possible to override that though with a custom header element. headerStyle = "white-space: normal;" is on the right track but doesn't work because internally, the text wrap CSS is on a header element nested further down. But if you render your header in its own custom div/span, you can override all CSS on it, e.g.:


df <- tibble(
    x = c("very long text")

    wrap = FALSE,
    columns = list(
        x = colDef(
            name = "Very long title",
            header = function(value) {
              htmltools::tags$span(value, style = "white-space: normal;")  
            width = 50