
Can I stick certain rows on the top of reactable?

yangxg opened this issue · 2 comments

I got a need to stick a row on the top of a reactable as a beachmark. Something just like freeze rows in Excel.

I don't know if it is possible to achieve, but would be quite a usefule function. Many thanks!

glin commented

I'm pretty sure this isn't possible today, but is an interesting idea that could be done with custom sort methods. Custom sort methods have been in the backlog for a really long time. If I ever get around to it, sticky rows would be a really neat example to show.

Thanks for your feedback, glin.
I found that sticking row could be partially done with groupby method. Although it is not very neat, but enough for ilustrative purpose. Any way, I really look foward to the enhancement.

Thanks again for your great work!