
Unable to encapsulate <Td> in another component

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cklab commented

I have a scenario where I'd like to monitor the behavior of a Td, through use of componentDidUpdate, componentWillReceiveProps, etc.

I've created a class such as:

export default class MonitoredTd extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {

    componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
        // ...

    render() {
        return React.createElement(Td, this.props);

If I use this component in the table of my <Table>, MonitoredTd does not get rendered as a MonitoredTd but rather a Td, presumably cause of:

So, all the props translate and my value renders, but not the component.

@glittershark Would you be in support of transferring the component type of a Td through the props of Tr? The type I imagine would reside in[columnKey].component. So we can render the component with something like:

(in tr.jsx)

var componentType = value.component || Td;
props.column = column;
props.key = column.key;
props.children = value;
React.createElement(componentType, props)