
Add `Policy` composable

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Policy is a composable to determine whether the user can perform certain actions. It provides streamlined and consistent authorization mechanism that can be integrated to other components.

Basic usage

// Define policy.
function useCanCreatePost(post: Post) {
  const user = getLoggedInUser()

  return usePolicy(({ allow, deny }) => {
    if ( === user) {
      return allow()

    return deny()

// Use it.
const canCreatePost = useCanCreatePost(post)

canCreatePost.value.ok // boolean


type Policy<Code = any> = Ref<PolicyRaw<Code>>

interface PolicyRaw<Code = any> {
  ok: boolean | null
  code: Code
  is(code: Code): boolean

interface PolicyResponse<Code = any> {
  ok: boolean | null
  code: Code

interface PolicyHelpers<Code = any> {
  allow(code?: Code): PolicyResponse<Code>
  deny(code?: Code): PolicyResponse<Code>
  pending(code?: Code): PolicyResponse<Code>

function usePolicy<Code = any>(
  fn: (helpers: PolicyHelpers) => PolicyResponse<Code>
): Policy<Code>

Using "code"

Policy can return response code that indicates "why" the user is not allowed to perform action. Using this, we may tell user the reason on UI.

<script setup lang="ts">
function useCanCreatePost(post: Post) {
  const user = getLoggedInUser()

  // Define code as generics.
  return usePolicy<'ok' | 'not-author'>(({ allow, deny }) => {
    // Set code on allow/deny.
    return === user
      ? allow('ok')
      : deny('not-author')

const canCreatePost = useCanCreatePost(post)

    <div v-if="canCreatePost.ok">
      <!-- Show post -->
    <div v-else>
      <p v-if="'not-author')">
        You are not the author of this post.

Pending state

Sometimes, we need to wait for api call to determine the final authorization. In this case, use pending. The ok becomes null in this case.

function useCanCreatePost(post: MaybeRefOrGetter<Post>) {
  const user = getLoggedInUser()

  return usePolicy(({ allow, deny, pending }) => {
    const p = toValue(post)

    return p
      ? === user ? allow() : deny()
      : pending()

Real world app usage

In the real world, app, we should create a local usePolicy composable that inherits this composable and inject currently logged in user instance for easier access.

interface PolicyHelpers<Code = any> extends SefirotPolicyHelpers<Code> {
  user: User

function usePolicy<Code = any>(
  fn: (helpers: PolicyHelpers<Code>) => PolicyResponse<Code>
): Policy<Code> {
  const user = getLoggedInUser()

  return useSefirotPolicy((helpers) => {
    return fn({ ...helpers, user })

function canCreatePost(): Policy {
  // Now the user object is available.
  return usePolicy({ user, allow, deny } => {
    return === user
      ? allow()
      : deny()