
PubSub with SNS/SQS

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


PubSub with SNS/SQS



  • AWS credentials are loaded out-of-band, either using the usual environment variables or dotfile or via instance profiles. In other words: credentials are NOT explicitly configured here.

  • Messages have a media_type; most message processing decisions key on this value.

  • Messages are published to a sns_topic_arn based on their media_type; there may be multiple topics used by a single message producer, but each message is only published to a single topic.

  • Messages are consumed from a single sqs_queue_url; there may be multiple queues, but each is managed by separate consumers.


Messages use marshmallow schemas for validation.

Most schemas should extend the microcosm_pubsub.codecs.PubSubMessageSchema base and implement its deserialize_media_type function:

class ExampleSchema(PubSubMessageSchema):
    message = fields.String(required=True)

    def deserialize_media_type(self, obj):
        return "application/vnd.globality.pubsub.example"

Producing Messages

The producer takes a media type and message content and returns a message id:

message_id = graph.sns_producer.produce(media_type, message_content)

Message content may be passed as a dictionary, as keyword args, or both:

message_id = graph.sns_producer.produce(media_type, dict(foo="bar"), bar="baz")

Consuming Messages

The consumer returns a list of (possibly zero) messages:

messages = graph.sqs_consumer.consume()

Messages should be explicitly acknowledged after processing:

for message in messages:

Messages act as context managers; in this mode, messsages will automatically acknowledge themselves if no exception is raised during processing:

for message in messages:
    with message:

Asynchronous Workers

The ConsumerDaemon base class supports creating asynchronous workers ("daemons") that consume messages and dispatch them to user-defined worker functions. Usage involves declaring a schema, declaring a handler function, and declaring a deamon that runs them.

Import the baseclass, define a schema, and decorate it with @schema:

from marshmallow import fields

from microcosm.api import binding, create_object_graph

from microcosm_pubsub.daemon import ConsumerDaemon
from microcosm_pubsub.decorators import handles, schema

class SimpleSchema(PubSubMessageSchema):
    A single schema that just sends a text string.

    MEDIA_TYPE = "application/vnd.globality.pubsub.simple"

    message = fields.String(required=True)
    timestamp = fields.Float(required=True)

    def deserialize_media_type(self, obj):
        return SimpleSchema.MEDIA_TYPE

Define a function that handles messages for the schema and decorate it with @handles to indicate that it handles your schema type. While plain functions, suffice, most real-world handlers will be a class with its own @binding to pass other collaborators:

class SimpleHandler:
    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.collaborator = graph.collaborator

    def __call__(self, message):
        return True

Subclass the ConsumerDaemon and override any required attributes (notably name):

class SimpleConsumerDaemon(ConsumerDaemon):

    def name(self):
        return "example"

Declare a main function for the daemon either using setuptools entry points (preferred) or the usual boilerplate:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    daemon = SimpleConsumerDaemon()

When running the daemon, pass the --sqs-queue-url arguments and the usual --testing/--debug flags as appropriate:

python /path/to/simple_daemon.py --sqs-queue-url <queue name> --debug

Configuring Sentry Support

An example of a full config to enable and customise the usage of sentry in an Application using microcosm_pubsub.

  "sentry_logging": {
    "enabled": true,
    "dsn": "https://some-value@numbers.ingest.sentry.io/project-id",
    "custom_tags_mapping": {
      "opaque-key": "sentry-tag-name"
    "custom_user_id": "my-opaque-user-id"
  • sentry_logging_pubsub.enabled - boolean
  • sentry_logging_pubsub.dsn - url - the url of the project that errors will be sent to
  • sentry_logging_pubsub.custom_tags_mapping - key/value mapping - defines what data stored in Opaque data should be sent to sentry and what the tag in sentry should be.
  • sentry_logging_pubsub.custom_user_id - string - defines what data within Opaque should be sent to sentry as user.id.

Overriding the default before_send

before_send is a function that runs before each event that is sent to sentry. It is used to remove sensitive data, the default one provided is reasonably strict removing most data in a quite a generic way. To customise this behaviour in an Application the following can be done.

from microcosm.decorators import binding
from microcosm.api import create_object_graph

def custom_before_send_factory(graph):
    def before_send(event, hint):
        # this would disable all filtering
        return event
    return before_send

graph = create_object_graph("example")