
dynamic attributes incorrectly returned as nil

shushugah opened this issue · 3 comments

We had bug introduced when upgrading from globalize 4.0.3 to globalize 5.2.0.

we have a color_structure model which looks like the following

ColorStructure < ActiveRecord::Base # rails 4.1
  translates :title, fallbacks_for_empty_translations: true
  globalize_accessors locales: Country::TRANSLATED_LANGUAGES, attributes: [:title]

and we accessed it's title in associated objects via color_structure.try(:title) which now return
nil. As a work around (we use ruby 2.3+) we could use color_structure&.title instead which correctly returned values. Any idea why?

The problem in essence is, object.respond_to?(:title) returns true at version 4.0.3 and false at version 5.2.0.

I made some investigation on this, seems like #711 solves the problem. Is there a plan for making a release with that fix in the near future?

stale commented

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