
How to use Rails model setter methods?

ekampp opened this issue · 1 comments

How do I override AR setters?

I have a model, Page, which has a translated title:

class Page < ApplicationModel
  translates :title

This works fine, but I would like to also sanitize the input, when I directly assign the title attribute. E.g.

page = Page.find(1)
page.title = "<H1>Hello</H1>" # => Should strip tags

So I implement a setter:

class Page < ApplicationRecord
  translates :title

  def title=(string)
    super string.sanitize # sanitize is my own method on the string class

I would expect the above code to work, but it doesn't get translated. So what's the intended pattern here?


gem 'activerecord', '7.0.0'
gem 'globalize', '6.0.1'
stale commented

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