
Rails 7: Active Record Encryption: Not supported

john-999 opened this issue · 3 comments

Rails 7 Active Record Encryption ( is not supported:

gem 'activerecord', ''
gem 'globalize', '6.1.0'

Thanks; in what way would you expect this library to support it?

Hi @parndt !

Consider the following scenario:

# models/technique.rb
class Technique < ApplicationRecord
  translates :name
  encrypts   :name, deterministic: true, ignore_case: true    # <<--- from: Rails 7's Active Record Encryption
irb(main):001:0> technique =
irb(main):002:0> technique.attributes = { locale: 'fr', name: "Une nouvelle technique" }

Expected outcome: Globalize should let Rails write the following to the DB:

  • should contain the encrypted value (downcased by Rails Active Record Encryption) of the attribute
  • technique_translations.original_name should contain the encrypted value (with original casing preserved by Rails Active Record Encryption) of the attribute

Current outcome:

irb(main):001:0> technique =
[...]/gems/activerecord-7.0.3/lib/active_record/encryption/encryptable_record.rb:97:in `preserve_original_encrypted': To use :ignore_case for 'name' you must create an additional column named 'original_name' (ActiveRecord::Encryption::Errors::Configuration)

However, the additional column named original_name is definitely present in the table technique_translations.

Rails is certainly looking for this column in the table techniques where it is of course not. If I understand this situation correctly, then this would be an argument for integrating Globalize into the Rails core.

stale commented

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