
_read_attribute override causes 20% slowdown of whole application

dla-c-box opened this issue · 1 comments

def _read_attribute(attr_name, options = {}, &block)

(^^from this problematic PR from 2018, and further modified by other PRs)

A long time ago (this was already in Rails 4), there has been a performance improvement in Rails on a critical method (called on all model attribute access, e.g. a simple call like “”): rails/rails@08576b9

I believe Globalize's override of _read_attribute is only needed if some ID fields are translated? If that's the case, maybe adding a configuration to opt-out of that feature, which causes a massive slowdown in DB intensive applications, would be relevant. (the configuration would prevent defining _read_attribute altogether)

In the mean time, in our fork, we're probably going to delete your version of read_attribute and _read_attribute and replace it with this single method (which brings us back to the performance we had before Globalize's override of _read_attribute):

def read_attribute(name, options = nil, &block)
  return super(name, &block) unless translated?(name) && options&.send(:[], :translated) != false && (value = globalize.fetch(options&.send(:[], :locale) || Globalize.locale, name))

stale commented

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