
migrate_data:true is not working.

gomo opened this issue · 1 comments

gomo commented

'activerecord', '5.2.6'
'globalize', '5.1.0', tried with '5.3.1' too

class I18nMenuPrice < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
  def change
    I18n.with_locale(:ja) do
        price: :integer,
      }, {
        :migrate_data => true,
        :remove_source_columns => true

I need to translate the Model to do migration.

class Menu < ApplicationRecord
  translates :price

If I don't do this, I can't do the migration with the following error.

Globalize::ActiveRecord::Exceptions::BadFieldName: Missing translated field :price

However, if I put translates :price in the model, it doesn't get the column value.

[1] pry(main)> Menu.first
  Menu Load (0.2ms) SELECT `menus`. `id`, `menus`. `sequence`, `menus`. `parent_id`, `menus`. `menu_type_id`, `menus`. `image`, `menus`. `is_set`, `menus`. `link_url`, `menus`. `created_at`, `menus`. `updated_at` FROM `menus` ORDER BY `menus`. `id` ASC LIMIT 1

I think record.read_attribute(attribute_name, {:translated => false}) in move_data_to_translation_table will always return nil.

translation[attribute_name] = record.read_attribute(attribute_name, {:translated => false})

Am I doing something wrong?

stale commented

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