
Save/Load ToDo list by name

globalworming opened this issue · 4 comments

Currently the the todo list is not persisted, refresh the page and all data is lost. Users should be able to save a todo list and load it by name.

User story Save By Name: As a user, I won't be able to Save the List, when the user clicks on the 'Save List' without filling details, the user will be prompted error message saying "list is empty"

User story Save By Name: As a user, I will be able to add & save a new List, when the user fills in all relevant details, the user will be prompted with a confirmation message saying "List Saved successfully"

Scenario: Add name and save it successfully

Given: that the app is working
When: the user adds the name in the required text field.
And: The user adds name
And: The user adds a few items checked and unchecked.
And: The user clicks on the "Save List" button.
And: the list should be saved.
Then : should be able to load

User story Load By Name: As a user, I will be able to load the list with NAME that was saved in the past, when the user enters the name, the user will be able to see List Name"

User story Load By Name: As a user, I will not be able to load the list with NAME that was not saved in the past, when the user enters the invalid name, the user will be prompted with an error message saying "Enter valid name"