
missing properties and procedures

bkempen opened this issue · 2 comments

While exploring (and using) the content of the GloSIS vocabulary I came across a couple of issues:


  • extractable Al is always tied to a specific procedure (oxalate, dithionite, pyrophosphate). There is no entry for Al with an unspecified extraction method (Aluminium (Al) -extractable) like there is for other elements (e.g. I have a dataset containing extractable Al (with Mehlich III) for which it is not possible to find a suitable entry in the vocab.
  • there is no distinction between the coarse and fine silt fractions (as we have with the sand fractions). Please add coarse silt and fine silt to the vocab.
  • the various SandSizeFractions, SiltSizeFractions and ClaySizeFractions are not really usable since fraction size is not specified (e.g. The particle size distribution of each fraction should ideally be defined explicitly (for instance based on two/three most commonly used particle size distributions used in soil science). E.g. SandFraction_0.5-2mm; SandFraction_0.25-0.5mm, SiltFraction_0.002-0.02mm, SiltFraction_0.02-0.05mm, SiltFraction_0.02-0.063mm. This would make these entries much more usable.


  • extraction procedures typically used for Al, Fe, Mn are missing int the procedures list: oxalate extraction, dithionite extraction, and pyrophosphate extraction

Bas, try to create a single issue per item, so we can follow up separately...

related to the sand size fractions, a definition of a fraction can be added at

sand,SSF1,,SSF1,SandSizeFraction01,,,,True,ISRIC Report 2019/01: Tier 1 and Tier 2 data in the context of the federated Global Soil Information System. Appendix 3,,,

Done in #130, #131, #132, #133