
Sub-classes of totalElements

lbtgnn68 opened this issue · 3 comments

nitrogenTotal & carbonTotal should be subclasses of totalElements

ExchAcid_ph8-bacl2tea, CEC_ph8-bacl2tea, ExchBases_ph8-bacl2tea: procedure is the same ExchBases_ph8-bacl2tea (Parent_instance), results are related to different observableProperty

OrgC_wc-cro3-nrcs6a1c: the manual USDA-NRCS, 2004 is without any doubt one of the best reference for any procedure. For OC are missing (or not explicited) in this list at least 6A1a; 6A1b; 6A3a; 6A4a; 7A1b; 6A4a1a1-3a1; 6A4a1a1-3a2; 5E. I would suggest to cite every process, from 1A1a to 8Rl

Thank you for reporting. I will separate these into three issues to facilitate.