
Quechua sources

ar-jan opened this issue · 1 comments

I suggest two small changes:

Are pull requests useful in such cases? (here the source file is hh.bib, I'm not sure if the Github version is also the main version of that bibliography?).

Thanks for letting us know! Pull requests would be useful, but note that we are in the process of moving the glottolog data curation to a new repository:

With this move we also re-arrange the data in the repository to be much more in line with the glottolog web app, which also means using the data locally from a repository clone becomes an alternative to accessing the data online. For the reference data this doesn't change too much, but the languoid data is now arranged as a file system tree which mirrors the classification:

Anyway, knowing that there are people around who would contribute to glottolog and know their way around github makes this change worthwhile, I hope.