
The default frontend English phrases.

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I find it strange when changing to another language pack that the frontend default English phrases do not change. For instance: reply, comment, search etc.
These are typical WordPress phrases that should change along with the backend when changing WordPress language.

The idea of this plugin (and the core feature we’re aiming for) is to “do” little to none by default, particularly in the front-end. Depending on what language-related functionality is needed in a particular use case, rather than being the solution itself this plugin/feature would provide the necessary core-related data—a post’s language—to enable developers to build solutions upon that data.

Think of it as something similar to Post Formats if you will (except language is not a “theme feature” only). Post Formats “do” nothing by default, but can be used to achieve whatever seems fitting through a theme or plugin.

Does that clarify?

@glueckpress - Does this mean that the feature will be enabled on the back-end only when the theme supports it?

@paaljoachim - Back-end the Front-end should be able to choose a language separately as you may want a site in English while you are more comfortable working in a Spanish environment (or the other way round)

glueckpress: First of it is awesome what your doing!
Have a drop down denoting which language a post is written in seems very interesting. (I am Norwegian). The feature could be turned on in the settings option. This means if one has a mix of languages there could also be language categories for various posts. Or perhaps when selecting another language post an option would come up asking to switch the language post to the standard language on the frontend of the site. This could be an interesting plugin.

As I understand it what your saying is that Glueckpress is a passive solution developers can use to develop what they need be it in a theme or plugin.

Today I have a few sites in Norwegian also using the Norwegian language file. Backend is in Norwegian but frontend has the standard English phrases which I thought would be translated when I switched to Norwegian. Hopefully these phrases will also change in the new makeover Nacin posted about in

Along the way it would also be natural as you mention Simon to have a language selector for the frontend and one for the backend. So that I can select Norwegian front and English back as I prefer to use the English language for the backend.

Selecting languages in the settings area will make it a lot easier then having to open wp_config and select it there. I am looking forward to the changes and seeing how glueckpress in a practical way will be used.

Back-end the Front-end should be able to choose a language separately as you may want a site in English while you are more comfortable working in a Spanish environment (or the other way round)

That functionality is already available as a feature translation plugins, i.e. Multilingual Press. We’re not aiming to build any translation functionality here whatsoever.

Please keep the scope of this repo when you comment. This post by Andrew Nacin describes a lot of the roadmap for language management in WordPress from 4.0 on.