
Device info is not listed on the nodes after peer detach

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Observed behavior

Device info is not listed on the nodes after peer detach. And when tried to add the device it is throwing below error.

[root@gluster-kube2-0 /]# glustercli device add e0275243-b512-4df0-8588-075ebd65e3a5 /dev/vdc
Device add failed

Response headers:
X-Gluster-Cluster-Id: f1291712-add8-4741-936e-b3234d54cd5c
X-Gluster-Peer-Id: e0275243-b512-4df0-8588-075ebd65e3a5
X-Request-Id: 58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e

Response body:
transaction to prepare device failed

time="2018-12-27 09:17:26.220685" level=error msg="Failed to create physical volume" device=/dev/vdc error="exit status 5; Can't initialize physical volume "/dev/vdc" of volume group "gluster-dev-vdc" without -ff\n /dev/vdc: physical volume not initialized.\n" reqid=58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e source="[transaction.go:29:device.txnPrepareDevice]" txnid=72ceb68c-2e8b-43e2-a8f0-1346a290083f
time="2018-12-27 09:17:26.220820" level=error msg="Step failed on node." error="exit status 5; Can't initialize physical volume "/dev/vdc" of volume group "gluster-dev-vdc" without -ff\n /dev/vdc: physical volume not initialized.\n" node=e0275243-b512-4df0-8588-075ebd65e3a5 reqid=58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e source="[step.go:120:transaction.runStepFuncOnNodes]" step=prepare-device txnid=72ceb68c-2e8b-43e2-a8f0-1346a290083f
time="2018-12-27 09:17:26.220876" level=error msg="Transaction failed, rolling back changes" error="Step prepare-device failed on 1 nodes" reqid=58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e source="[transaction.go:149:transaction.(*Txn).Do]" txnid=72ceb68c-2e8b-43e2-a8f0-1346a290083f
time="2018-12-27 09:17:26.220917" level=error msg="Transaction to prepare device failed" error="Step prepare-device failed on 1 nodes" reqid=58a0c57e-cc13-4f3b-bac1-e3ddc0dad45e source="[rest.go:92:device.deviceAddHandler]"

Expected/desired behavior

Device info should get listed on the nodes after peer detach.

Details on how to reproduce (minimal and precise)

  1. Create a 3 node gcs setup using vagrant.
  2. Peer detach all the nodes
  3. Now check the attached devices on the nodes using below command,
    "glustercli device info"

Information about the environment:

  • Glusterd2 version used (e.g. v4.1.0 or master):
    glusterd version: v6.0-dev.93.gitd4ca2cb
    git SHA: d4ca2cb
    go version: go1.11.2
    go OS/arch: linux/amd64
  • Operating system used: CentOS 7.5
  • Glusterd2 compiled from sources, as a package (rpm/deb), or container: Container
  • Using External ETCD: (yes/no, if yes ETCD version): Yes version: 3.3.8
  • If container, which container image:
  • Using kubernetes, openshift, or direct install:
  • If kubernetes/openshift, is gluster running inside kubernetes/openshift or outside: Kubernetes