
ERROR level logs should reflect only real errors

BarakSason opened this issue · 2 comments

There are several cases in which logs are logged with ERROR level, but don't necessarily reflect real errors.

2020-08-09 12:16:22,630 INFO (run) root@vm1 (cp): gluster volume info | egrep "^Brick[0-9]+" | grep -v "ss_brick"
2020-08-09 12:16:22,630 DEBUG (_get_ssh_connection) Retrieved connection from cache: root@vm1
2020-08-09 12:16:22,743 INFO (_log_results) �[34;1mRETCODE (root@vm1): 1�[0m
2020-08-09 12:16:22,744 INFO (_log_results) �[31;1mSTDERR (root@vm1)...
No volumes present
2020-08-09 12:16:22,744 ERROR (get_servers_used_bricks_dict) error in getting bricklist using gluster v info
2020-08-09 12:16:22,744 INFO (run) root@vm1 (cp): gluster volume info testvol_distributed --xml
2020-08-09 12:16:22,744 DEBUG (_get_ssh_connection) Retrieved connection from cache: root@vm1
2020-08-09 12:16:22,917 INFO (_log_results) �[34;1mRETCODE (root@vm1): 0�[0m
2020-08-09 12:16:22,918 DEBUG (_log_results) �[47;30;1mSTDOUT (root@vm1)...

This log doesn't terminate the run, but will actually trigger volume creation (some lines later from the same log):

2020-08-09 12:16:22,918 INFO (run) root@vm1 (cp): gluster volume create testvol_distributed        vm1:/mnt/disk2/testvol_distributed_brick0 vm2:/mnt/disk2/testvol_distributed_brick1 vm3:/mnt/disk2/testvol_distributed_brick2 --mode=script force
2020-08-09 12:16:26,261 INFO (run) root@vm1 (cp): gluster vol status testvol_distributed  
2020-08-09 12:16:26,261 DEBUG (_get_ssh_connection) Retrieved connection from cache: root@vm1
2020-08-09 12:16:26,373 INFO (_log_results) �[34;1mRETCODE (root@vm1): 0�[0m
2020-08-09 12:16:26,373 INFO (_log_results) �[47;30;1mSTDOUT (root@vm1)...
Status of volume: testvol_distributed
Gluster process                             TCP Port  RDMA Port  Online  Pid
Brick vm1:/mnt/disk2/testvol_distributed_br
ick0                                        49152     0          Y       19881
Brick vm2:/mnt/disk2/testvol_distributed_br
ick1                                        49152     0          Y       15478
Brick vm3:/mnt/disk2/testvol_distributed_br
ick2                                        49152     0          Y       15516
Task Status of Volume testvol_distributed
There are no active volume tasks

Error logs should only reflect failed operation which causes termination of the current test that's being run or the framework itself.

Ideally this is a glusto limitation and not a glusto-tests limitation, for this to be implemented we need to figure out if a command failure is expected or not and if it's expected to fail then not mark it as a Error. This would require us to change everything which seems like a difficult fix and isn't really giving any value to use.

@aloganat Please share your views on this and feel free to close it as WONTFIX.

run() method in glusto calls python ssh_obj.popen(). In some cases the output of popen() is dumped in the stderr pipe instead of stdout pipe and run() directly returns returncode, standard output, standard error of popen method.

This is a limitation of glusto, hence marking this issue as WONTFIX.