
Fibonacci speed, rather slow

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I compared the speed of zygo running a simple recursive Fibonacci function with the speed of similar code ran in "Nukata Lisp" (, and I was disappointed to see that zygo seemed to be more than 35 (maybe 70?) times slower than Nukata Lisp at this. The Fibonacci function I used for zygo was this:

(defn fib [n]
  (cond (< n 3)
    (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))

The code I used for Nukata Lisp was this:

(defun fib (n)
  (if (< n 3)
    (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))

I did the timing of zygo using the 'timeit' function, and each time I did it, the value 514229 was printed twice, with some delay between. This is what happened:

zygo> (defn fib [n] (cond (< n 3) 1 (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
zygo> (timeit (fn [] (println (fib 29))))
ran 1 iterations in 17.000692 seconds
average 17.000692 seconds per run

However, if I put the Fibonacci function and (println (fib 29)) into a file fib.zy, then I could do this:

$ time zygo fib.zy 

real	0m8.245s
user	0m16.245s
sys	0m1.917s

Some of the difference in speed between zygo and Nukata Lisp may be due to the fact that the number of features and built-in functions implemented in Nukata Lisp is very limited compared to the numerous features and functions in zygo. On the other hand, zygo is written in Go, while this Nukata Lisp is written in Dart.

Hi Jon! Yes, this is all true. Interpretted zygo is not fast. Zygo’s reason for being is to run compiled Go code on trees at compiled Go speed. Where the trees have composed in zygo dynamically, then converted to Go struct trees by reflection.

If you don’t care about tight integration with Go and running compiled Go, there are many faster choices.

Closing this out, there's nothing to do.

For faster (but still slower than compiled Go), you might try my later project, as it will be faster. It translates Go into Lua and then runs it on a LuaJIT VM. It also allows embedding within Go and fairly close work with Go. While it does require CGO, I've made it work on OSX, Windows, and Linux.

additional alternatives: - if you are okay with an MPL license; and - another of mine, which gives you full on Chez scheme, embedded in Go using CGO. This will be much more feature-ful, mature, and more highly tuned. However conveying Go structures back and forth won't be easy, if even possible.