
Incorrect window height in multiple monitor system

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for make this great project!

I am setting up this on Win11 with two monitors:

  • Monitor 1: 2160x1440, scale 150%
  • Monitor 2: 1920x1080, scale 100% (Primary)

I find the height of some winodow on Monitor 2 is too high, e.g., msedge, explorer. In this case, I cannot see the bottom of the window. The workaround is I have to maximize the window, but I cannot see the bar then.

However, not all application has this problem, e.g. VS Code has correct height on Monitor 2.

Can you please advise how to fix this? Many thanks!


I have the same issue, if I set the same scale to both monitors all works perfectly but my laptop screen it's small and if I lower the scale all become extremely small.

I ran into this as well. Not a huge deal once I fixed the scaling on the laptop monitor.

I have the same issue when using two monitors, one 3840 × 2160 150% scaling and one 2560×1440 100% scaling. Have not found a solution yet other than set them to same scaling.