
myjenkins: Install suggested plugins

Closed this issue · 3 comments

On a fresh installation of easy-jenkins the following page is displayed:


After clicking "Install suggested plugins", the following plugins are installed:

  • Folders Plugin
  • OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin
  • build timeout plugin
  • Credentials Binding Plugin
  • Timestamper
  • Workspace Cleanup Plugin
  • Ant Plugin
  • Gradle Plugin
  • Pipeline
  • GitHub Organization Folder Plugin
  • Pipeline: Stage View Plugin
  • Git plugin
  • Subversion Plug-in
  • SSH Slaves plugin
  • Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin
  • PAM Authentication plugin
  • LDAP Plugin
  • Email Extension Plugin
  • Mailer Plugin

Make sure that this list is already included in myjenkins/Dockerfile

Here is the result of docker logs -f | grep INFO after clicking the "Install suggested plugins" button:

myjenkins_1  | INFO: Adding dependent install of command-launcher for plugin cloudbees-folder
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Command Agent Launcher Plugin on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin antisamy-markup-formatter already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin build-timeout already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin credentials-binding already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin timestamper already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin ws-cleanup already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Adding dependent install of resource-disposer for plugin ws-cleanup
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin resource-disposer already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin ant already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin gradle already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin workflow-aggregator already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin github-branch-source already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin pipeline-github-lib already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin pipeline-stage-view already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin git already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin subversion already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin ssh-slaves already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin matrix-auth already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin pam-auth already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin ldap already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin email-ext already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Dependent install of command-launcher for plugin mailer already added, skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Command Agent Launcher Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/command-launcher.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Listed all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Prepared all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Augmented all extensions
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Loaded all jobs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Completed initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-build-step
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-scm-step
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-input-step
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of structs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-multibranch
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-rest-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of htmlpublisher
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-aggregator
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of docker-commons
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of parameterized-trigger
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of variant
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-web
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of branch-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of docker-java-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of greenballs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of scm-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of jackson2-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of jobConfigHistory
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of jquery
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of display-url-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of handlebars
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of conditional-buildstep
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of handy-uri-templates-2-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of github-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of ez-templates
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of github-pullrequest
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of durable-task
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-pipeline-scm-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of jenkins-design-language
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of groovy
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-dashboard
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-display-url
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-personalization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of view-job-filters
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of join
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-support
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-github-lib
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of jira
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of git
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-cps
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pubsub-light
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of javadoc
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-config
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of ace-editor
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of windows-slaves
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of icon-shim
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of docker-workflow
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-graph-analysis
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of favorite
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of envinject
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-jwt
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of sectioned-view
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of momentjs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of git-server
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of credentials
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of cloudbees-folder
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-autofavorite
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pam-auth
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of plain-credentials
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of built-on-column
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of delivery-pipeline-plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of jenkins-multijob-plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of ldap
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-model-extensions
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-pipeline-api-impl
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-milestone-step
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of matrix-auth
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of junit
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-pipeline-editor
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-model-definition
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of token-macro
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of credentials-binding
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-git-pipeline
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of jquery-detached
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of docker-custom-build-environment
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-github-pipeline
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of antisamy-markup-formatter
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of github-organization-folder
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-rest-impl
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of run-condition
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of envinject-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of ghprb
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of github-branch-source
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of bouncycastle-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of authentication-tokens
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of mock-slave
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-durable-task-step
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-job
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of mercurial
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-commons
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-cps-global-lib
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-model-declarative-agent
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-core-js
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of ssh-slaves
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-stage-step
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of docker-build-publish
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-stage-tags-metadata
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of maven-plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of matrix-project
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of git-client
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of ant
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of mailer
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-rest
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of ssh-credentials
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of sse-gateway
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of github
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-basic-steps
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-i18n
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-stage-view
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-jira
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of blueocean-events
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of pipeline-model-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of workflow-step-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of mapdb-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of translation
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of jsch
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of github-oauth
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of email-ext
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin command-launcher:1.2 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Installation successful: Command Agent Launcher Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Build Timeout on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Build Timeout
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/build-timeout.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Failed to instantiate optional component hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.AbortAndRestartOperation$DescriptorImpl; skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Failed to instantiate optional component hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.AbortAndRestartOperation$DescriptorImpl; skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Failed to instantiate optional component hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.AbortAndRestartOperation$DescriptorImpl; skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Failed to instantiate optional component hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.AbortAndRestartOperation$DescriptorImpl; skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Failed to instantiate optional component hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.AbortAndRestartOperation$DescriptorImpl; skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Failed to instantiate optional component hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.AbortAndRestartOperation$DescriptorImpl; skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Failed to instantiate optional component hudson.plugins.build_timeout.operations.AbortAndRestartOperation$DescriptorImpl; skipping
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Listed all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Prepared all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Augmented all extensions
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Loaded all jobs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Completed initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin build-timeout:1.19 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Installation successful: Build Timeout
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Timestamper on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Timestamper
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/timestamper.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Listed all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Prepared all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Augmented all extensions
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Loaded all jobs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Completed initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin timestamper:1.8.9 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Installation successful: Timestamper
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Resource Disposer Plugin on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Resource Disposer Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/resource-disposer.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Listed all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Prepared all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Augmented all extensions
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Loaded all jobs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Completed initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin resource-disposer:0.8 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Installation successful: Resource Disposer Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Workspace Cleanup Plugin on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Workspace Cleanup Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/ws-cleanup.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Listed all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Prepared all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Augmented all extensions
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Loaded all jobs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Completed initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin ws-cleanup:0.34 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Installation successful: Workspace Cleanup Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Gradle Plugin on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Gradle Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/gradle.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Obtained the updated data file for hudson.plugins.gradle.GradleInstaller
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Listed all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Prepared all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Augmented all extensions
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Loaded all jobs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Completed initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin gradle:1.28 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Installation successful: Gradle Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Subversion Plug-in on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Subversion Plug-in
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/subversion.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Listed all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Prepared all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Started all plugins
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Augmented all extensions
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Loaded all jobs
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Completed initialization
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of parameterized-trigger
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Updated dependency of view-job-filters
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin subversion:2.10.2 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Installation successful: Subversion Plug-in
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of SSH Slaves plugin on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading SSH Slaves plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/ssh-slaves.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/matrix-auth.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of LDAP Plugin on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading LDAP Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/ldap.jpi
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Starting the installation of Email Extension Plugin on behalf of admin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Downloading Email Extension Plugin
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Attempting to dynamic load /var/jenkins_home/plugins/email-ext.jpi

The actual list of missing plugins can be obtained by executing docker-compose logs -f | grep "INFO: Plugin"

myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin command-launcher:1.2 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin build-timeout:1.19 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin timestamper:1.8.9 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin resource-disposer:0.8 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin ws-cleanup:0.34 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin gradle:1.28 dynamically installed
myjenkins_1  | INFO: Plugin subversion:2.10.2 dynamically installed

Fix via 0c3c74b