
ModernWindow on Mac looks strange

dridk opened this issue · 3 comments

dridk commented

I would like to thanks you for this lib ! I was looking for this kind of style since a long time ago ..

I just tried on Mac OS with PySide2 the following command :

mw = windows.ModernWindow(w) 

And I get strange look with with transparent bug .

Capture d’écran 2019-05-22 à 21 55 59

So I am using right now only styles.dark(app)

Just a side note, it works properly with PySide2 on Windows. So this issue would be likely constrained to Mac itself

I am using ModernWindow with styles.dark on mac and see nothing like this. Could you @dridk provide a small example so we can reproduce it?

Just a side note, it works properly with PySide2 on Windows. So this issue would be likely constrained to Mac itself

while, it doesn't work for me when using pyside2 or pyside6, the following errors are reported:

TypeError: 'PySide2.QtWidgets.QApplication.setPalette' called with wrong argument types:
Supported signatures:
PySide2.QtWidgets.QApplication.setPalette(PySide2.QtGui.QPalette, typing.Union[bytes, NoneType] = None)