
inconsistent window dragging

Closed this issue · 6 comments

When dragging the window using the title bar the event is ignored and the window doesn't move.
It randomly works after a few tries. (using Jerakin:borderless fork Commit #4bd2122477a32e7348b5714ac8415fc72f07b2f3

Using PySide2 5.13.2 + Windows 10


It looks like when I click and immediately drag the window, the window doesn't move.
Holding down the mouse click for a second or more and then dragging works.

I am can't really reproduce this, could it be because you are sometimes clicking "outside" of the window titlebar? The titlebar is currently only about 60% of a "standard" windows titlebar.

I checked many times to make sure i was clicking on the smaller than usual titlebar but I get the same random drag behavior.
I tested on a completely different machine to be sure and I get the same behavior. Are you guys using PySide2 or PyQt5 for testing ?

PyQt5 is the bindings I use. I tried on Window 10 running in a VirtualBox. Will try it on a proper windows machine this weekend.

Does the master branch behave the same?

Maybe I was clicking outside of the small title bar area. I made some changes to make the the drag-able title bat the same height as the min/max/close buttons and it makes it easier to drag now.
I also made small changes so that the title bar background color can be customized if needed which makes it even easier to locate the area that can be dragged.
This can be closed. Thanks again for this great project.

Sweet! Remember that you can always make contributions if you think it is something that should be in the project by default. :)