
onUnknownEvent in trait Monitor of type (event: java.nio.file.WatchEvent[_])Unit is not defined

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The cause of the problem is because in Better files, File.Monitor.onUnknownEvent() method has removed count parameter in this commit.

Interesting. I thought better-files followed semver so I'm surprised they broke this in 3.4.0. The new API makes more sense though. The fix here is just to update to the latest better-files and update our code to conform to the new interface.

@rogertangcn interested in submitting a pull request?

Tried to push my branch up, was told i don't have permission to do so. (sorry, my first time pushing up code to github repo of someone else.)

Great, thanks!

Fixed by #9

This is fixed in version 0.5.0