
Downloaded a sample financial reporting excel document. The excel has coloumns: Segment, Country, Product, Discount Band, Units Sold, Manufacturing Price, Sale Price, Gross Sales, Discounts, Sales, COGS, Profit, Date, Month, Number, Month Name, Year. Created a reporting with python. I used pandas to read and import the excel file. I used matplotlib to graph my data. Used pandas infomation and describe functions to learn about the sheet. Since the file has a lot of information, I decided to use the loc function and find detalied information. The code in line 17 helps find filter unwanted data and represents only the data the user wants in my case I used (df_plot = df.loc[(df['Country'] == 'United States of America') & (df['Product'] == 'Carretera') & (df['Segment'] == 'Midmarket')]). I choose United States of America for country, Carretera for prodcut and used the midmarket segment. I used the sort function to sort the data by date. I used month name and profit for my x and y axis. I also used grouby function to represent the data in a simpler format. I grouped the country using the sum function and plotted the profits in a pie chart.