
Download a data file from Kaggle at . This data has been gathered at two solar power plants in India over a 34 day period. It has two pairs of files - each pair has one power generation dataset and one sensor readings dataset. The power generation datasets are gathered at the inverter level - each inverter has multiple lines of solar panels attached to it. The sensor data is gathered at a plant level - single array of sensors optimally placed at the plant. I used pandas to import the csv data file into python. Using codes like "info" and "describe" analyzed the data in the cell. Then used matplotlib, and plotly's graph objects to visualize the data. Created 3 graphs to finf the total yeild from source and from power plant. The last graph was about the Radiation produced by the power plant. I used the offline format, so graphs can opened from anywhere and not local server.

Please run this code in Python3 to avoid any library or Depedency errors.