
Visitor/Contact Location

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  • Use cloudflare headers to store Visitor/Contact informations
  • Store infos at the Visitor/Contact level -> Add new metadata json field to data models Contact & Visitor
  • Find the most relevant place in the codebase to handle the workflow (must work for agent/query + crisp + whatsapp etc...)
    IMO handleChatMessage() looks like a good candidate
  • Display location infors on the inbox page with inspiration from Crisp


Sample Values

  "cf-ipcity": "Paris",
  "cf-ipcountry": "FR",
  "cf-region": "Ãle-de-France",
  "cf-region-code": "IDF",
  "cf-postal-code": "75019",
  "cf-timezone": "Europe/Paris",
  "cf-ipcontinent": "EU"

  "cf-ipcity": "Almaty",
  "cf-ipcountry": "KZ",
  "cf-region": "Almaty",
  "cf-region-code": "75",
  "cf-timezone": "Asia/Almaty",
  "cf-ipcontinent": "AS"

  "cf-ipcity": "Riyadh",
  "cf-ipcountry": "SA",
  "cf-region": "Riyadh Region",
  "cf-region-code": "01",
  "cf-timezone": "Asia/Riyadh",
  "cf-ipcontinent": "AS"