
Over strict validation of queue/exchange name

shayc-code opened this issue · 2 comments

The library denies queue and exchange names having space character, altough it is allowed by RabbitMQ product itself.
I have legacy code in C# using EasyNetQ library, that generates queue/exchange names by convention with space characters.
Now I write new code in Python and cannot use aio-pika or propan (which are based on pamqp) because of this limit. I see that pika library does allow spaces, but I want a more high-level and rich library.
I suggest adding space to the regexes at constants.DOMAIN_REGEX.

We're also having issues with queue names with spaces being invalid.

We're using the RabbitMQ Sharding Plugin, which automatically generates queue names with spaces. There's currently no way of modifying the generated queue names.

gmr commented

This is now allowed in 3.3.0