
GROUP BY gets marked as an error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

GROUP BY in SPARQL queries gets marked as an error. Here is an example:

PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX vcard: <>
PREFIX vivo: <> 
PREFIX rdfs: <>

SELECT (SAMPLE(?olabel) as ?organization_name) (COUNT(?org) as ?num_people)
    ?p        a             foaf:Person .
    ?relation vivo:relates  ?p, ?org .
    ?org      a             foaf:Organization ;
              rdfs:label    ?olabel .

I can't seem to verify this. Where exactly is it marked as an error? Just the GROUP BY clause itself? Which version of the lexer and Pygments are you using?

I'm sorry, that must have been the old pygments package (version 1.6) that came with my linux distribution. When I created a virtualenv and installed Pygments 2.0.2, the code was highlighted flawlessly.

Maybe you can put a minimum version requirement for Pygments in your

Thanx for the fast reply and your great library!

No worries, I'll put a note in the README that 1.6 doesn't work.