
Extend the project to insulin/cortisol/other pocket-sized pumps?

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lee-b commented

Since #wearenotwaiting projects like #AndroidAPS and #XDrip exist, most of the software functionality for a fully automated artificial pancreas is there. It would be great to have an open source pocket-sized pump project, for the hardware side of things.

Could / should / would this project be expanded to include smaller (pocket) infusion pump designs?

It seems like most of the overall challenges of the hardware design would be common to both projects. A pocket-sized solution would need to be more compact, using smaller-diameter screw rods and related components I suppose. Perhaps putting motors parallel with the main shaft and driving the screw rod indirectly to reduce overall length. But I suppose a lot of the driver software and safety features would be shared, with various parameters for syringe diameter, volume delivered per step, etc.