Pyinstaller doesn't find the module.
herpaderpader opened this issue · 8 comments
As soon I create with "Pyinstaller/auto-py-to-exe" an ".exe" file from my script, it stops working.
The module is not found it says:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tktooltip\", line 6, in <module>
File "importlib\", line 531, in version
File "importlib\", line 504, in distribution
File "importlib\", line 177, in from_name
importlib.metadata.PackageNotFoundError: tkinter-tooltip
I checked it, the module is definitely there under "\Lib\site-packages".
I tried adding it as "--hidden-import", didn't help.
I tried adding additional "path", didn't help.
So how are you installing tkinter-tooltip and what version of python are you using?
Python 3.10.1 on Windows 10
The following way:
ToolTip(nameofthebutton, msg="My message comes here.", follow=True)
It works perfectly as long as I don't create an .exe file from it.
Then the exe crashes.
I see that when I create the exe file pyinstaller does not find the module even though it's there.
I meant are you installing it from source or with pip?
Basically, you are missing setuptools_scm
see the pyproject.toml
. These are the build dependencies of the tooltip.
If you are using pip you should have to worry about them and the tooltip should just work.
I'm using pip.
I have "setuptools_scm".
I had another look at the error message being thrown and I don't think it's related to tkinter-tooltip
. If you can go into a Python interpreter and print the tktooltip.__version__
that means that there is something wrong with auto-py-to-exe
tkinter-tooltip uses scm and scm_git for builds and source builds respectively.
Yeah I was able to print it.
Still cannot create a functional exe file.
I will try it on a different computer, maybe it is the computer.
I seem to be having somewhat related issues. I'm using Pycharm, CustomTkinter, along with tktooltip. I first get a message stating that setuptools_scm is missing, then packaging is missing, then errors out on unable to find version of my project.
tktooltip has been compiling inside the IDE without issue, without setuptools_scm and packaging.
I am a novice, so the usage of tktooltip is out of my depth if it doesn't work with just including the package path in pyinstaller with --add-data.
Is there any direction that you could possibly give me to get tktooltip to work with pyinstaller? All versions are the latest.
From the looks of it, this is external to this project. I have updated to the latest setuptools_scm
in release 2.2.0 but other than that there is not much else I can do from my side.