
Upgrade to Truffle 4.x

axic opened this issue · 5 comments

axic commented

This repo still relies on Truffle 3.4.11. As you probably know for a while Solidity started issuing deprecation warnings for a lot of old syntax/features which will turn into errors with the 0.5.0 release.

Truffle in the 4.x releases has updated Assert.sol to deal with all those requirements. It would be great if Gnosis could upgrade to 4.x and get the benefit of these updates.

Since the Solidity CI also compiles Gnosis contracts, that would make our life much more easier 😉

cag commented

Yes, I think this is a sign to switch the active branch to the develop branch now...

Edit: on the other hand, I don't want to subject upstream to breakage in our repo. Maybe an interim release only modifying this audited set of contracts to compile on more recent Solidity may be good... Hmm...

axic commented

@cag do you have any resolution to the question? :)

cag commented

@axic I've decided to make the default branch development now. In addition to that, I've resolved all the backwards-compatible 0.5.x type warnings in a PR.

axic commented

@cag nice! Should we just rely on development then? Also thanks for #110.

cag commented

Yes. 👍