
Make the test generate blocks

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The test is stuck on block 0 at the moment. For example, here is node 3 log:

Loading config file from ./config/node3.toml
2019-01-18 19:52:52 UTC Starting Parity-Ethereum/v2.2.6-unstable-fe44b5ef6-20190102/x86_64-linux-gnu/rustc1.33.0-nightly
2019-01-18 19:52:52 UTC Keys path parity-data/node3/keys/DPoSChain
2019-01-18 19:52:52 UTC DB path parity-data/node3/chains/DPoSChain/db/3093a95c9f1cd65e
2019-01-18 19:52:52 UTC State DB configuration: fast
2019-01-18 19:52:52 UTC Operating mode: active
2019-01-18 19:52:52 UTC Configured for DPoSChain using AuthorityRound engine
2019-01-18 19:52:53 UTC Signal for switch to contract-based validator set.
2019-01-18 19:52:53 UTC Initial contract validators: [0xbbcaa8d48289bb1ffcf9808d9aa4b1d215054c78, 0x75df42383afe6bf5194aa8fa0e9b3d5f9e869441, 0x522df396ae70a058bd69778408630fdb023389b2]
2019-01-18 19:52:53 UTC Public node URL: enode://2667db917c073d40f6a8ea7b5b218662deb9a13f9db1a84c49a6451a969c859722cad0c88a714c18ebc2ec544896e87b62fdee16fcfbbdc65ffbdf03840aad77@
2019-01-18 19:52:55 UTC Transaction mined (hash 0x3699d1082d1aa22d1808241f32a9344eef18681c98f737a5d4c8398d9e8647f9)
2019-01-18 19:52:55 UTC Imported #1 0xe233…a5bd (1 txs, 0.09 Mgas, 9 ms, 0.71 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:52:59 UTC Stage 1 block verification failed for 0x750a…37e1: Error(Block(ExtraDataOutOfBounds(OutOfBounds { min: None, max: Some(32), found: 39 })), State { next_error: None, backtrace: InternalBacktrace { backtrace: None } })
2019-01-18 19:52:59 UTC 
Bad block detected: ExtraDataOutOfBounds(OutOfBounds { min: None, max: Some(32), found: 39 })
RLP: f902d9f9024ca05e1848be3c95f1fffb838ca2582ec0185f4b40023093a95c9f1cd65e8965bb12a01dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d493479475df42383afe6bf5194aa8fa0e9b3d5f9e869441a0d7f1d606c63f825f9251f8202a2523ce6bf2c9bb429e88928de41e2ab9992f79a0d49055ee255cfa036e1f9b652f45db375744bdbfaa2c2a8ce60b11de37070400a07b1c5245cd254caad8a9cd7ab96108b363975f7af6787a24fac3c00d14e62f60b901000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000090ffffffffffffffffffffffffed8c5d15018398705c830167d6845c422e92a7e6830202068f5061726974792d457468657265756d8e312e33332e302d6e696768746c79826c69841273a2eab84156a12aabb3f417dffc488941fcd8bd796bcb9195dcf20be8f28a84bae9447d8044b92533e9345c776b38a473e6e494f435940f846547123f53249b5653db01b100f887f885808083186a0094300000000000000000000000000000000000000180a43c37b640c262aa2d1f7f175ee1f6177d2213e46620808f3c6f0bf4e1262d2bc7b3a58ddc81eea0bec963b464ba6aabd72b8c8182eebe5d7e582e31760c8e8d48f9e8d589703948a07fd81696771bb251ca1f3319c8657a84a2c377d89b8dc4ae98e06ddee2b6af2bc0
Header: Header { parent_hash: 0x5e1848be3c95f1fffb838ca2582ec0185f4b40023093a95c9f1cd65e8965bb12, timestamp: 1547841170, number: 1, author: 0x75df42383afe6bf5194aa8fa0e9b3d5f9e869441, transactions_root: 0xd49055ee255cfa036e1f9b652f45db375744bdbfaa2c2a8ce60b11de37070400, uncles_hash: 0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347, extra_data: [230, 131, 2, 2, 6, 143, 80, 97, 114, 105, 116, 121, 45, 69, 116, 104, 101, 114, 101, 117, 109, 142, 49, 46, 51, 51, 46, 48, 45, 110, 105, 103, 104, 116, 108, 121, 130, 108, 105], state_root: 0xd7f1d606c63f825f9251f8202a2523ce6bf2c9bb429e88928de41e2ab9992f79, receipts_root: 0x7b1c5245cd254caad8a9cd7ab96108b363975f7af6787a24fac3c00d14e62f60, log_bloom: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas_used: 92118, gas_limit: 9990236, difficulty: 340282366920938463463374607431458643221, seal: [[132, 18, 115, 162, 234], [184, 65, 86, 161, 42, 171, 179, 244, 23, 223, 252, 72, 137, 65, 252, 216, 189, 121, 107, 203, 145, 149, 220, 242, 11, 232, 242, 138, 132, 186, 233, 68, 125, 128, 68, 185, 37, 51, 233, 52, 92, 119, 107, 56, 164, 115, 230, 228, 148, 244, 53, 148, 15, 132, 101, 71, 18, 63, 83, 36, 155, 86, 83, 219, 1, 177, 0]], hash: Some(0x750afdfee5d5e761749a2b06b2fe1ca71efbcae054779ab7d5c76bca5a9337e1) }
Transactions:[Tx 0] UnverifiedTransaction { unsigned: Transaction { nonce: 0, gas_price: 0, gas: 1600000, action: Call(0x3000000000000000000000000000000000000001), value: 0, data: [60, 55, 182, 64, 194, 98, 170, 45, 31, 127, 23, 94, 225, 246, 23, 125, 34, 19, 228, 102, 32, 128, 143, 60, 111, 11, 244, 225, 38, 45, 43, 199, 179, 165, 141, 220] }, v: 238, r: 86295265627127717936972151081366212084860688354320796516721140916121452427592, s: 57825526631022148216294809310658409587477516897122516747054907837440633253675, hash: 0x5a44c9b704ec8a6789859124d7cf864753f8cc7d31b556a88eeca1db9006457f }

2019-01-18 19:53:00 UTC Stage 1 block verification failed for 0x8c42…4234: Error(Block(ExtraDataOutOfBounds(OutOfBounds { min: None, max: Some(32), found: 39 })), State { next_error: None, backtrace: InternalBacktrace { backtrace: None } })
2019-01-18 19:53:00 UTC 
Bad block detected: ExtraDataOutOfBounds(OutOfBounds { min: None, max: Some(32), found: 39 })
RLP: 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
Header: Header { parent_hash: 0x5e1848be3c95f1fffb838ca2582ec0185f4b40023093a95c9f1cd65e8965bb12, timestamp: 1547841165, number: 1, author: 0xbbcaa8d48289bb1ffcf9808d9aa4b1d215054c78, transactions_root: 0x4c831e02f3243e70cb949bc5fddc5ef90983961ec3b673a6cbed1cda4b198d6f, uncles_hash: 0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347, extra_data: [230, 131, 2, 2, 6, 143, 80, 97, 114, 105, 116, 121, 45, 69, 116, 104, 101, 114, 101, 117, 109, 142, 49, 46, 51, 51, 46, 48, 45, 110, 105, 103, 104, 116, 108, 121, 130, 108, 105], state_root: 0xcc02562969cc2de7d4f31c515659a7c43789b36a58958e2bc39c4b39ee690e05, receipts_root: 0xc01149eea1f90136d7cda572757d502125a8cbebbdecd78d459329bcfc71dbd4, log_bloom: 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas_used: 91990, gas_limit: 9990236, difficulty: 340282366920938463463374607431458643222, seal: [[132, 18, 115, 162, 233], [184, 65, 161, 125, 198, 20, 199, 105, 69, 206, 102, 31, 76, 54, 59, 89, 239, 11, 219, 21, 222, 170, 111, 99, 137, 183, 146, 198, 49, 93, 212, 80, 209, 252, 47, 123, 174, 6, 103, 56, 171, 201, 149, 88, 92, 18, 176, 144, 22, 80, 218, 215, 159, 232, 209, 135, 40, 233, 85, 128, 231, 236, 90, 157, 165, 91, 0]], hash: Some(0x8c42d3f7563ff595f627d1c930694fa4aa41854cd409b78f9f38c5a7dd484234) }
Transactions:[Tx 0] UnverifiedTransaction { unsigned: Transaction { nonce: 0, gas_price: 0, gas: 1600000, action: Call(0x3000000000000000000000000000000000000001), value: 0, data: [60, 55, 182, 64, 154, 167, 91, 24, 165, 107, 191, 176, 249, 4, 122, 14, 0, 79, 20, 253, 28, 12, 69, 215, 121, 207, 213, 186, 115, 0, 195, 125, 230, 27, 142, 169] }, v: 237, r: 100585062182727581917643396958130910506106919379227266563614104172332521054480, s: 48962955055237614021398750651832521838565974786038584004039568297147374445855, hash: 0xa81021c8ab823e9d620576b9a7f0eefb743d250b930a2b016fef4f542298b88d }

2019-01-18 19:53:03 UTC Syncing       #1 0xe233…a5bd     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     11 KiB chain  126 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:53:08 UTC Syncing       #1 0xe233…a5bd     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     11 KiB chain  126 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:53:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:53:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:53:10 UTC Imported #2 0x5b05…7d2f (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 5 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:53:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:53:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:53:25 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0xbed87ae891330e1758475f47589556cc9bb76aa4393eed5c75ea0c08008750ad)
2019-01-18 19:53:25 UTC Imported #3 0xa9af…9167 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:53:38 UTC    1/25 peers     11 KiB chain  127 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:53:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:53:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:53:40 UTC Imported #4 0x88bd…e9b6 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:53:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:53:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:53:55 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0xded7d3061f57f87cf1389949bceaba83021d08e29cbefe3f566a9bf1880966e5)
2019-01-18 19:53:55 UTC Imported #5 0x95f5…d6a9 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:54:03 UTC Syncing       #5 0x95f5…d6a9     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     11 KiB chain  128 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:54:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:54:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:54:10 UTC Imported #6 0x11b1…b7ef (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:54:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:54:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:54:25 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x3788e6a8e2739867510114e614e2984882369ccb20b57d8bd40abdb3423ba8a4)
2019-01-18 19:54:25 UTC Imported #7 0xf7da…48cc (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:54:33 UTC Syncing       #7 0xf7da…48cc     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     11 KiB chain  128 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:54:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:54:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:54:40 UTC Imported #8 0x2203…4608 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:54:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:54:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:54:55 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x7a0371d89b93ef76c519410b658fe2aab7ec72d04df2232a3b5ef1a1f71bbe43)
2019-01-18 19:54:55 UTC Imported #9 0xe090…45aa (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:55:03 UTC    1/25 peers     12 KiB chain  129 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:55:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:55:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:55:10 UTC Imported #10 0x05c2…d241 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:55:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:55:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:55:25 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0xe29cd04506274b5cd6365e0e3fe675243187025d9a284efd5476a73090d08eb9)
2019-01-18 19:55:25 UTC Imported #11 0x0d94…a539 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:55:33 UTC Syncing      #11 0x0d94…a539     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     12 KiB chain  130 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:55:38 UTC Syncing      #11 0x0d94…a539     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     12 KiB chain  130 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:55:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:55:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:55:40 UTC Imported #12 0xa6ab…6a4b (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:55:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:55:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:55:55 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x6d7c3bbeb94f0ccf634974c29cc28294cb29d1555bd7a1075291747ae4e2d621)
2019-01-18 19:55:55 UTC Imported #13 0x2776…00be (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:56:08 UTC    1/25 peers     12 KiB chain  131 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:56:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:56:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:56:10 UTC Imported #14 0xcc8a…0f6c (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:56:23 UTC Syncing      #14 0xcc8a…0f6c     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     12 KiB chain  131 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:56:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:56:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:56:25 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x1bac65a04cfb8833038c7789c5d21327be55120316b36d9f0ea7c43e7e492626)
2019-01-18 19:56:25 UTC Imported #15 0xb9d6…7b24 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:56:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:56:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:56:40 UTC Imported #16 0x0676…4294 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:56:43 UTC Syncing      #16 0x0676…4294     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     13 KiB chain  131 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:56:53 UTC Syncing      #16 0x0676…4294     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     13 KiB chain  131 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:56:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:56:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:56:55 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x1e237ba4cefc0d7780ef6d2cba58cbdf7d67c359edd7198b2b678851917edef2)
2019-01-18 19:56:55 UTC Imported #17 0x4dbf…7452 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:56:58 UTC Syncing      #17 0x4dbf…7452     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     13 KiB chain  154 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:57:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:57:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:57:10 UTC Imported #18 0x097b…7da8 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:57:18 UTC Syncing      #18 0x097b…7da8     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     13 KiB chain  154 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:57:23 UTC Syncing      #18 0x097b…7da8     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     13 KiB chain  154 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:57:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:57:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:57:25 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0xcfc46b905c2463a6cf1fc372ea673d270abf72b546fb55a257917d3efa2de08a)
2019-01-18 19:57:25 UTC Imported #19 0x7796…a082 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:57:28 UTC Syncing      #19 0x7796…a082     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     13 KiB chain  154 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:57:33 UTC Syncing      #19 0x7796…a082     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     13 KiB chain  154 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:57:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:57:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:57:40 UTC Imported #20 0xed47…43c4 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:57:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:57:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:57:55 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0xbe9777f51dc55d1f28342186e746883220a3f5f52fec7f2c73f5e9dad7a57c8a)
2019-01-18 19:57:55 UTC Imported #21 0xf7e6…31a6 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 9 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:58:03 UTC    1/25 peers     13 KiB chain  155 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:58:08 UTC Syncing      #21 0xf7e6…31a6     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     13 KiB chain  155 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:58:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:58:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:58:10 UTC Imported #22 0xc09a…df18 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:58:13 UTC Syncing      #22 0xc09a…df18     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  155 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:58:18 UTC Syncing      #22 0xc09a…df18     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    1/25 peers     14 KiB chain  155 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:58:23 UTC Syncing      #22 0xc09a…df18     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  155 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:58:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:58:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:58:25 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x73a6b1a9d4d85df0f83b2d9dea14fcda8c8d37d608ffff8ac201bab4d371ec9e)
2019-01-18 19:58:25 UTC Imported #23 0x4508…14ba (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:58:33 UTC Syncing      #23 0x4508…14ba     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  156 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:58:38 UTC Syncing      #23 0x4508…14ba     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  156 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:58:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:58:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:58:40 UTC Imported #24 0x7f9a…2a34 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 5 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:58:43 UTC Syncing      #24 0x7f9a…2a34     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  156 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:58:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:58:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:58:55 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x76edf9bcd061adbe5966539da6f8455bd22de850ba68f84bb8ac3a91f3ed1e73)
2019-01-18 19:58:55 UTC Imported #25 0x93d9…e184 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:59:03 UTC Syncing      #25 0x93d9…e184     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  156 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:59:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:59:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:59:10 UTC Imported #26 0x9d3d…b3bc (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 5 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:59:13 UTC Syncing      #26 0x9d3d…b3bc     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  156 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:59:18 UTC Syncing      #26 0x9d3d…b3bc     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  156 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:59:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:59:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:59:25 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x3c11c104b5b9ffa115ea5c0da16cfc4fe778fba307ed6928eba9a88b62fae19f)
2019-01-18 19:59:25 UTC Imported #27 0x663e…0c7c (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 7 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:59:28 UTC Syncing      #27 0x663e…0c7c     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  157 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:59:38 UTC Syncing      #27 0x663e…0c7c     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  157 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:59:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:59:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:59:40 UTC Imported #28 0x7c3f…3946 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:59:43 UTC Syncing      #28 0x7c3f…3946     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     14 KiB chain  157 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 19:59:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 19:59:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 19:59:55 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x435cd2f22df83d80cab3a05a3f4b316de0ba2c6171f496415a32baf978fa0935)
2019-01-18 19:59:55 UTC Imported #29 0x1be7…aaa0 (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 19:59:58 UTC Syncing      #29 0x1be7…aaa0     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     19 KiB chain  159 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 20:00:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 20:00:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 20:00:10 UTC Imported #30 0x3547…35ee (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 20:00:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 20:00:25 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 20:00:25 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0xe5d9e527797dde235824ca8bb40fdb2af44efae1c9ed40648b5a2f3a00316fa6)
2019-01-18 20:00:25 UTC Imported #31 0xc3c3…830c (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 20:00:28 UTC    1/25 peers     21 KiB chain  160 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 20:00:38 UTC Syncing      #31 0xc3c3…830c     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     21 KiB chain  160 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 20:00:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 20:00:40 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 20:00:40 UTC Imported #32 0x1f0b…2442 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 5 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 20:00:43 UTC Syncing      #32 0x1f0b…2442     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     21 KiB chain  160 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 20:00:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 20:00:55 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 20:00:55 UTC Transaction culled (hash 0x130b75a5a0b7b000c1597ca71d21fb2c947257f554762fd7c8e892caaab92afc)
2019-01-18 20:00:55 UTC Imported #33 0xbeed…389b (1 txs, 0.02 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.75 KiB)
2019-01-18 20:00:58 UTC Syncing      #33 0xbeed…389b     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     21 KiB chain  160 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs
2019-01-18 20:01:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0xbbca…4c78
2019-01-18 20:01:10 UTC Reported benign validator misbehaviour 0x75df…9441
2019-01-18 20:01:10 UTC Imported #34 0xde00…8782 (0 txs, 0.00 Mgas, 6 ms, 0.58 KiB)
2019-01-18 20:01:13 UTC Syncing      #34 0xde00…8782     0.00 blk/s    0.0 tx/s    0.0 Mgas/s      0+    0 Qed        #0    2/25 peers     21 KiB chain  160 KiB db  0 bytes queue   41 KiB sync  RPC:  0 conn,    0 req/s,  104 µs

It gets stuck at block 100:

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}' localhost:8543